Monday, August 11, 2008

Trigger is HOME!

Well...Trigger came home last Thursday (the 7th). He is doing great! We had to have an exit interview before we could leave the hospital. Part of the interview was making sure we understood how to take care of a premature baby. The doctors have told us to limit visitors since he has almost no immune system. We were also told that Trigger didn't need to be exposed to children for 4-6 weeks. This, of course, makes me very sad because I would love to show him off to everyone. He's sooo precious.
He had a special little procedure today at Green Clinic Surgical. Dr. Harper did the procedure and everything went great. Tomorrow we will go to the pediatrician for a check-up. Dr. Slusher will check Trigger's bilirubin level (for jaundice). I hope his number is still down.
Trigger is keeping us VERY busy. Liz has been coming to help me during the day while Matt is at work which is a HUGE help and gives me a break! We have had so many phone calls and emails. I am sorry if we haven't's been very hard to keep up. And, any chance I get, I try to grab a nap...haha!
I looked at the calendar today and I only have 4 weeks left before I have to go back to school full-time. Usually I would be very excited but right now I am completely overwhelmed. There is alot to get done before school starts!!!
Anyway, I will stop rambling. Time to feed the little one! Hope everyone is doing okay!!!!


Anonymous said...

We are SO happy he is home and doing well!
Kory and Kaylin

Anonymous said...

So glad to hear that he is home -- I love the pics! He is beautiful -- those big eyes! Love ya, Keith and Brandy

auDi tHis woRld said...

Hey Garson...couldn't you take a maternity leave for the first month or so?!?!?!

Will Liz keep Trigger while you're at work?