Monday, August 25, 2008

One Month Tomorrow!

Trigger will be one month tomorrow! WOW!!! Time does fly. We are learning alot about Trigger. He cracks us up with his never ending grunting! He does NOT like his arms to be swadled because he likes them by his head. Trigger spent most (or maybe all) of his time in the womb with his hands/arms by his head. In fact, that would be the reason we never got a good ultrasound picture of his face. Things haven't changed much. He is comforted by his arms...especially his right arm.
Everyone keeps asking how much he weighs now...we don't know but we will go back to Dr. Slusher on Friday. I think he's got to be 6 pounds by now. He feels so much heavier and he's starting to get fat rolls. I shouldn't be surprised by the weight gain...he's eating 3 ounces now (or actually a little more than 3oz.)! That's alot for such a little guy.
Bathtime! Trigger's first bath was not the most pleasant experience. He screamed pretty much the entire time. He doesn't like the sling in the bath tub; he prefers to be in the water! Bathtime has gotten alot better except he likes to tee-tee after his bath (or anytime you change him) and then you have to bath him again.
Life is pretty much back to normal...I mean as normal as it's going to get with a new addition to the family. I will start back to school part-time next week and then full time Sept. 8th. Please pray that it will be a good transition back to work! People keep asking if I have had a break down yet...I haven't but I haven't really had a chance to stop. I am praying I can handle going back to work so soon! But, my little people need me so I will be there!
I will try to be better about updating. My free time (which there's not alot of) has been spent working on school stuff.

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