Sunday, May 4, 2008

Just a Quick Update!

Things have been going pretty smoothly! Matt and I took off work on Thursday and Friday of this last week and it was so NICE!!! We went to Shreveport one day to look around at baby stores and get a few presents for friends/family. It was so fun and relaxing to spend the entire day with Matt. He was a real trooper! The other day we completely cleaned out the baby's closet and the other extra closet. They had so much junk piled in them. It was rather overwhelming but it is done now. The baby's room is clean and ready for furniture. It will be delivered on Wednesday, and I can't wait to get it all in the room and see it set up.
Wednesday is also the day that we have another ultrasound. Maybe this time our 3D/4D image will look better since we are 23 weeks (they prefer you to be at least 22 weeks). However, that means that little Trigger is going to have to cooperate. The last ultrasound pictures had his arms in front of his face the entire time! If he is trying to avoid pictures, he has a long life in front of him with me as his mommy because I love taking pictures!!!!
Thursday is our doctor's appointment. It's just our checkup! By the way, Trigger has been VERY active lately especially in the evenings. AND....Matt felt him kicking for the first time on Thursday, May 1st. He has been trying to feel him for a couple of weeks. I guess his little kicks are getting harder!!! Well...I guess that is all for now. I will try to post some pictures of the furniture on Wednesday and some ultrasound pictures.

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