Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Dr. Groome

We went to Shreveport on Monday afternoon to see Dr. Groome at LSU. He is over the maternal/fetal medicine at LSU. Dr. Harper had called us last week to let us know that there were some issues raised by the radiologist after our last ultrasound. Dr. Harper said the report said there were indications that I had blood clots in the placenta and that the baby wasn't moving very much. Needless to say, we were quite worried. Dr. Harper had our appointment with Dr. Groome moved from June 9th to this past Monday. Sooo...we drove over to Shreveport and met with Dr. Groome. We had been told to prepare ourselves for a different atmosphere at LSU. It was different, but everyone was VERY friendly and helpful. When we got into the patient room. There was a radiologist tech that started the ultrasound (measuring the baby) and a nurse was asking me questions and checking blood pressure. The measured and monitored the baby for 30 minutes. Then, Dr. Groome came in and looked finished the ultrasound which took another 30 minutes. He said that the placenta looked GREAT....whew...we were relieved!!! and very thankful. Dr. Groome did send us to have the baby's heart rate monitored for 30 minutes since one of the complaints was low fetal movement. Dr. Groom said the baby wouldn't stop moving for him, but just to be safe we needed to monitor. The heart rate (when I wasn't laughing at Matt....I hate that inappropriate laughter!!!!!) was perfect. AND, Trigger would NOT stop kicking the fetal monitor that was strapped to my belly. It was was as if he was saying..."I'll show think I don't move...HA...I'll kick your monitor!" It might have had something to do with the Coke that I drank before the ultrasound. Trigger likes Coke! Anyway, we will go back to see Dr. Groome in four weeks for another placenta (blood clot) check. Thank you to all of you who were praying for us!

1 comment:

auDi tHis woRld said...

Sounds like GREAT news, Garson and Matt! So happy that God is taking care of little Trigger and taking care of you!!