Yep, you read that right! The tooth fairy got to visit our house on December 21, 2012!!!! My big boy lost his first tooth. We found out at our last dentist visit in October that his two bottom were loose. Dr. Paige said it was early so she did an xray to see if there had been some trauma to those teeth…I have to be honest, I would NOT at all be surprised if there had been trauma…There are constant injuries around here. However, there was NO trauma and his adult teeth were right there…just pushing out those baby teeth. I had gotten to where I would feel of them every few days to see if they were getting really loose…in fact, I had just felt them at lunch to see how loose they were because I was giving him an apple and didn’t want him to loose it in the apple. The tooth didn’t feel loose enough AT ALL…not nearly ready to come out….and I know! I pulled quite a few teeth when I taught kindergarten. Anyway, apparently the apple loosened it up because….that night I was feeding larkin and trying to put her down for the night and I get a text that said “t just lost his tooth”. I was freaking out…I had a million questions…how did it happen? did it bleed? is he excited? did you make a big deal of it?
He knew it was going to come out at some point but we really hadn’t talked at great length about it because I thought we still had time. I had no plan for what the tooth fairy was going to do….AHHHHHH…NO PLAN!
I rushed Larkin along and the boys were already reading books with Matt…and I, like the neurotic mom that I am, came bursting through the door clapping and all but yelling…..straight up giddy. Matt kept giving me the eye like settle down, its bedtime. That was my fear…men just don’t make a big deal about things like this. I let trigger help me decide what we would do with his tooth. He decided that he wanted to put it in the tooth fairy pillow. Now, remember that I was not prepared so I had found several pillows on etsy that I was trying to decide between to order for him. Well, that didn’t happen. Thankfully, I have this pillow that was mine. I think my mom or grandmother made it. VERY girly but oh well. Do you see the rag on his nightstand? His tooth came out while he was brushing his teeth…matt said that we were very lucky that he caught it before it went down the drain. The rag was to stop the bleeding. He said he explained it again to trigger about how our baby teeth fall out, etc. He then said “and all of our teeth will fall out”…to which trigger grabbed his mouth in shock and said “right now”. BLESS HIS HEART, he thought all of his teeth were about to come out at that moment! That is why mommas handle this sort of thing.
He looks WAY too old with that tooth gone. SOOOOO SAD!
The tooth fairy did come. She left Trigger a note (which I have no clue what it said) and some money (again, no clue how much…I had planned on doing gold dollar coins but I didn’t find enough around the house). Oh the funny part is that I got most of his tooth fairy coins out of his own piggy bank. LOL…glad he doesn’t know how to count his money. AND the tooth fair left some of her magic dust (ie. glitter) all over they place. AND. the tooth fairy had to sew up the pillow because the pocket had ripped. MAN, the tooth fairy was tired that night.
I still can’t believe that my baby has a missing tooth…and the other one should be coming out any day now.
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