Okay…lets see if I can play a little catch up on Larkin. I will just give a few of the high points.
10 months- You weighed 17lbs 5oz. (14th percentile) and 26 inches (4th percentile)
11 months- I don’t have your stats because you were actually pretty healthy all of December…PRAISE THE LORD!!!!
- We had an appointment with your neurologist on November 19th. You had ANOTHER xray and we met with the doctor. Your skull is completely healed. This is such a huge praise. It took 6.5 months to heal which is a long time for a skull fracture but the doctor told us that you had a very significant fracture (all the way across your head) so she wasn’t surprised that it took that long. We are sooooo thankful that you are completely healed. We are also so thankful that you/we had so many people praying for your precious head. You are one loved little girl. - We had your check up with Dr. Neal for your tubes…which look great. He (and Dr. SLusher) wanted you to see Dr. Zambie (an immunologist) for your IGA deficiency.
- We saw Dr. Zambie and he said that your numbers are VERY low and you basically have NO immune system to protect you from respiratory illness. He didn’t seem overly concerned about it because we are doing everything that we can do. He agreed that you needed to be on the preventative breathing treatment twice a day. He also added singulair once a day. However, you haven’t hid it but once. Dr. Zambie also said that you did not need to go to daycare (not a problem since I stay home with you) or church nursery…basically anywhere where would be highly exposed to germs. We were due back to see Dr. Zambie in the middle of December but Trigger ended up having tubes put in that week so we had to reschedule. We have an appointment for tomorrow, Jan. 17th with Zambie.
Sleep: Not much has changed in this area. You are a good sleeper. We are so much more laid back with you. Because of the boys schedules of picking up/dropping off at school, you usually only get one nap a day. You can get fussy at the end of the day with one nap…but, You are pretty good about going with the flow of things. Again, at night, we don’t have a set bedtime for you. I usually start feeding you between 630-7:30 and you go straight down after that. You sleep until 7-8am so I would consider that GREAT!!!!
Eating: With your last big illness (around mid october), you starting refusing baby food. I had been making all of your baby food from scratch (because I am crazy). I thought that maybe that was why you were boycotting…that maybe it tasted funny. But, that was not it…you pretty much starting refusing anything but meat (real meat…not baby food), cheese, and bread/crackers. I still try all the time….it can be quite frustrating. You will just look at something I put on your tray to eat and put your hands in your lap like “I will NOT even touch it and you can’t make me”.
I am still breastfeeding you 5 times a day. It’s kind of hard to slow down when I know you aren’t really getting any nutrients from food. Plus, it is still so much easier…sure, it ties me down BIG time but it is easier than having to always have whole milk handy.Physical: You cruise furniture like crazy and of course you are still crawling everywhere…even with your dresses on. You quickly figured out a way to crawl with a dress. You aren’t saying any words though. You do love to clap which I think is the cutest thing!
I think that’s the highlights of months 10 and 11. I took all of those pictures above while your daddy was out of the country. Liz was over here a lot and she entertained the boys…when I got done taking pictures, this is where I found the boys. They LOVE their daddy’s truck.
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