Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Praises and Pity party

Okay. Last night was not fun. We were told to give breathing treatments every three hours around the clock. At 3am, I woke Larkin up. Brought her to our room, fed her for just a little bc she was struggling and wheezing very bad, I stopped and did a breathing treatment. After we finished, she was still wheezing pretty bad and was still acting as though she couldnt get a good breath...her coughs were very tight. So, i fed her again to try to pacify her some...she stopped her crying but was still wheezing i had to give another breathing treatment. This had happened in the drs office earlier so i was hoping it would work again. She finally fell asleep and her wheezing didnt sound as bad and she was struggling/retracting so i put her in her bed.

After every other three hour session, she did good with just one treatment.
So we went back for a recheck. I had just given her a breathing treatment before we left the house. Dr Slusher was pleased with her progress. She said she still heard wheezing but it was way better than yesterday! She still wasn't really happy with how tight her cough needs to loosen up so she can get some of that stuff out of her chest. Dr Slusher gave us a detailed schedule to follow with the breathing treatments. We will still do every three hours today but do not have to wake her to do them tonight...just give them when she wakes for a feeding. Then, we will do them every four hours for a couple of days and then move to just four times a day. Our schedule is through next Tuesday and then we will go back on tuesday for a recheck. That's alot of breathing treatments between now and then!

Larkin has acted a little better today. She hasn't really stopped smiling the whole time but she seemed to be less fussy today...nights, of course, are the worst...I heard wheezing again tonight and I had not been hearing it as much.
Campbell is still doing good and playing. His cough still sounds pretty bad though. He's still on his antibiotic and breathing treatments three times a day.

Ok. Now for my pity party. And believe me, I know this is all going to sound pathetic so you can just ignore me!
Dr Slusher told us that we are to re-enter our bubble. Even trigger...bc at this point, Larkin can't be exposed to anything else and risk her getting even more sick! Sooo, what does that mean? It means that we will miss ALL Easter activities. I'm so incredibly sad about this...trigger misses so much (he already missed his school egg hunt bc of flu at our house) and now he has to miss our church hunt and both family get togethers. I'm aggravated. While all of my friends and most of my family are at our church's Easter egg hunt, where will I be? At HOME with my SICK children by MYSELF bc guess what! Matt will be working! It is going to be such a lonely, long day....and when he works saturday, it will be the same thing...Ugh!
And there's another part to my pity party, I have the kids Easter clothes all ready to go (minus ts unironed shirt) and do they get to wear them??? NOPE...larkins first Easter and she can't even attend church.
I'm sorry. I'm just tired and a little cranky...and my husband just went to work and I'm holding a sick baby girl and haven't even eaten supper yet...and don't even know what my other two children are doing bc I don't have their monitor....and praying that more than one child doesn't wake crying at once while he's gone. This is what I really want to be doing!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

1 comment:

Nicole said...

:( So sorry everyone is sick and you have to miss all the Easter activities! I'm praying for you! I can't imagine how you feel with sick children/sleep deprivation/etc, but I know how lonely it is when Craig is working out of town for the week. I'll be praying that your babies get well soon and that the week/weekend goes VERY quickly!