Wednesday, April 11, 2012

First Dentist Visit

A few weeks ago (march 19th), I took Trigger for his first dentist visit.  I am NOT a fan of going to the dentist.  I have had lots of work on my teeth…and it started at a young age.  I have horrible teeth and no matter what I have done to take care of them, I constantly need work.  Anyway, I have put off taking Trigger because of my issues and because I knew that Trigger would have a difficult time…especially with his sensory issues. 

This experience was different than other firsts.  I usually try really hard to talk up a new experience and try to prepare him the best that I can.  Well, maybe because of Miss larkin or the fact that im running all day, I didn’t really prepare him like I usually do.  I did tell him several times that I was taking him and I could tell that he was not excited.  When we got there, he started to get nervous.  I let him play with my ipad while we waited.


Then, he got called back and he held it together but let me tell you…you could read it all over his face that he was SCARED TO DEATH!!!  I sat down beside him and held his hand and tried to help the hygienist explain to him what she was doing.  I was so proud of him!  If you have never thought of a dentist trip from the eyes of someone with sensory issues, you should think about it…it is major sensory overload (loud noises, lots of smells- Trigger sense of smell is really good, bright lights, gritty toothpaste, etc.)  I mean it was a HUGE deal that he did so good!  He did beg the lady to not turn the bright light on…his eyes are really sensitive too.   Anyway, he made it through it.  We use Dr. Paige Volentine.  She said that Trigger will definitely have to have braces…Guess who isn’t surprised?  I mean, that was a no brainer after he had that paci for so long! 

After they were finished, I took some pictures.  He was really proud of himself!


He was absolutely exhausted after his appointment…things like that WEAR HIM OUT!  I’m glad that first is over!  Now, we will just have to go again in 6 short months.

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