Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Larkins first dr visit

We were discharged from the hospital on a Monday. The nurse practitioner wanted Larkin to be seen by dr Slusher as soon as possible to have her jaundice checked and for a weight check. So, we got an appt for the next day (Tuesday). Larkin weighed 4lbs 9oz that day. She also measured at 18 inches but I think they were off on their measuring bc Larkin wasn't really cooperating and I don't think she grew an inch in 4 days! Anyway, dr Slusher was pleased with her weight gain. She weighed 4lbs 8oz when we were discharged on Monday so she had gained an ounce like she was suppose to!

Dr Slusher said she wasn't concerned about her jaundice level bc her hands and body werent too orange. Just her face...which indicates that it's not horribly bad. So we didnt have to have blood drawn! Yay!!! Dr Slusher told us that she looked great...and that she looked like trigger! ;)
We were also told that trigger didn't really need to go to school until Larkin had her shots bc she couldn't afford to have any illnesses or germs brought home. Let me say that this breaks my heart bc he LOVES school but we have followed drs orders bc I'm super anal and a rule follower!

We had to go back on that Friday for another weight check...she was a week old at this time and weighed 4lbs 12oz. I asked the nurse to see if dr Slusher could come look at larkins belly button While we were there bc it was oozing green stuff. Well, dr Slusher said she had a umbilical granuloma...I think that's what it's called. She had to cauterize it. And she also told us that Larkin has an umbilical hernia which is pretty common...obviously!!!! Bc both of my boys have umbilical hernias...still have them! Sooo we are three for three. I keep waiting for the heart murmur to pop up too. I just kind of feel like why wouldn't all three be patients of dr king. But, so far they havent heard a hernia so she may get left out of those appts! :)
We went back for another weight check at 2 weeks and Larkin had gained almost 2 ounces a day...and she only has to gain one ounce a day!!!! She weighed 5lbs 7oz. Dr Slusher was Soooo impressed and said my milk must be really rich! :)
My girl is gaining weight fast!! We went to the dr today for her one month. I'll try to post that tomorrow! For now, I'm off to bed!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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