Thursday, February 23, 2012

Larkin- one month

Liz and I took Larkin to her one month appointment.  It is busy season for Matthew so he really doesn’t need to miss work.  Our (MY) goal for this appointment was to find out her weight and to get some acid reflux medicine. 
Why don’t we start with her stats:  Weight- 7lbs 2oz.    Height- 19.25 inches    Head Circumference- 14.05 inches

Dr. Slusher was very pleased with your growth.  You are pretty much gaining 2 ounces a day and Dr. Slusher would be happy with ONE ounce a day.  Soooo…yay for mommy’s milk being very rich!!!  IMG_1025

Speaking of milk…you are breastfeeding great now.  After about 2-3 weeks of stressing out, she finally caught on.  It’s funny because now I do not even look at the clock whereas, in the beginning, I starred at the clock to make sure she fed long enough!IMG_1054Like I said before, one of my goals for this appointment was to get some medicine for acid know, since I have given myself an MD, I diagnosed Larkin with acid reflux.  You see, both of our boys HAD acid reflux or so we thought.  And, get this, I though Trigger’s was pretty bad…NOT…it was nothing compared to this little princess.  At about 3 weeks old, she was awake all but about 30 minutes during the day.  AND, not just awake…she was screaming…even when we paced the floor.  SO, Dr. Slusher agreed to start her on Zantac (which I honestly wasn’t that excited about because it didn’t do much to help the boys) and she told me to stay away from dairy for 2 weeks. 

Update: a week after her one month appt, I took Larkin back in because she was still really fussy.  I noticed some difference with the zantac but not a great deal.  So, Dr. Moak (slusher wasn’t there) changed her medicine to Prevacid.  It has worked wonders!  Now our only problem is gas. IMG_1060Honestly, I haven’t taken as many pictures of Larkin as I should BUT she’s either screaming, I’m holding her, or she’s asleep and I don’t want to jeopardize those few quiet moments!

IMG_1089 Of course I am nursing her every three hours during the day and pretty much at night too.  However, we stopped setting an alarm clock to wake her up when she was 2 weeks old!  Even though she still wakes up pretty much on the 3 hour mark, it’s nice to not have an alarm set.

IMG_1120Diapers- We switched Larkin from Preemie diapers to newborn diapers at 3 weeks.  She is still wearing mostly preemie clothes and a few newborn clothes.  She has soooo many cute, children’s shoppe gowns that no one gets to see because she is with me each and every day.  At least I know she dressed cute! Ha!!IMG_1134At one month, you just sat in your bouncy seat and tolerated it…I wouldn’t say that you have reached the level of love yet.  We need to get there though because the bouncy seat helped me survive with the boys!IMG_1162I am still not sure who exactly you look like.  Your eyes look like Trigger but I’m not sure about the rest.  You most definitely do NOT look like Campbell…or me (Campbell looks like me and  Will).  Who knows…maybe you will be totally different too and look nothing like Trigger and Campbell.  I always thought I would have children that looked alike but I may just have three very individual children.IMG_1163

Other things to note about your one month appointment:

-You still look jaundice…especially in your eyes.  Dr. Slusher had the lab come draw your blood to check your levels.  They were fine…it’s just as we suspected and just from breastfeeding.

-You have a umbilical hernia (just like your brothers)…however,  yours must be bigger because your belly button sticks out really far!

I think that’s about it…Dr. Slusher was impressed with your growth and thought you looked great!

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