Wednesday, February 29, 2012

The BOND gets stronger everyday!

Okay…I have made it perfectly clear that I have not liked that Trigger has missed two months of school.  I HATE it…he LOVES school and really thrives with the structure of it.  Well, I was cooking supper one night and heard the boys in the playroom playing.  It made me stop for a second and think.  Even though I hate that he has been out of school this long, I really am so thankful that Trigger has been home (or at grandparents) with his brother.  These two months have really strengthened their bond and friendship.  Now they do still fight constantly.  BUT, Trigger gets upset when Campbell wont come play with him and Campbell wants to constantly be right behind Trigger…copying everything his big brother does.  I LOVE how they are playing together and developing a life long friendship.  There is nothing sweeter!

The other night, the house was pretty quiet which is NEVER a good thing with little people.  I went to look for the boys and found them in Campbell’s room.  Trigger had gotten his pillows, B’s, C’s blanket, and some books.  They were laying there reading together.  So sweet!IMG_1090IMG_1092IMG_1094Trigger is really helpful when he wants to be. I have to say that Campbell calls the shots just as much as Trigger does.  This night, Campbell wanted his boots on.  Trigger picked up Campbell and put him on the bench.  Then, he put Campbell’s boots on for him.  IMG_1168The only problem is that Campbell didn’t want his plain brown boots…he wanted his yellow/brown ones.  IMG_1171Oh wait…or did he want his yellow/brown ones???IMG_1172Ummm…no, I guess he didn’t.IMG_1173And that just did Campbell in…and he did what he does best, throw a fit (AND  a cup).  Poor Trigger was just trying to help!IMG_1174

Seriously though, I am ready for Trigger to go back to school but soooo thankful for the time he has had with Campbell!!!  Campbell is sure going to miss Trigger when he’s gone to school!!!

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Valentines 2012

I had the best of intentions for Valentines.  The boys and I made lots of Valentines crafts.  The day before Valentines, the boys painted a banner.  But, I feel like I didn’t get to really do a lot because we were rushed, fussy baby, etc.  I guess I will try harder next year!

Trigger was still not going to school and missed his Valentines party which literally made me want to CRY!  But, he didn’t have any idea that he missed.  I did make these for his class.  It says “I hope you have a BALL this Valentine’s Day!”  I bought several different type small, bouncy balls to put inside.  I thought it was a nice alternative to candy!

IMG_1188The night before Valentines, I hung the banner that the boys had painted and I put out all three presents for our THREE children.  IMG_1212We did not get them much…just a DVD and playdough…and the boys got a few small balls.IMG_1219IMG_1222IMG_1227IMG_1228IMG_1231I did make cupcakes for them.  Trigger enjoyed his…Campbell didn’t even know we had them.  I did make Matt a pound cake too!  I was busy baking that afternoon!IMG_1233

And, Miss Larkin was the reason why I couldn’t get a whole lot done!  This was her attitude all day.  Someone forgot to tell her that Valentines is a day of LOVE  and not fussiness!IMG_1181This was also her first time to wear an outfit that was bright colored…she has lived in kissy kissy and magnolia baby gowns/outfits.  It kind of made me sad to put her in a real outfit!IMG_1183

Monday, February 27, 2012

these BOOTS are made for….

SLEEPING!!!!  Zizzy and Poppy bought Trigger some boots from Pattons when I was still pregnant.  Campbell has been in love with them so Zizzy ordered Campbell some. Well, they still had not come in so she went and picked out another pair.  Campbell LOVES, LOVES, LOVES them….so much so that he refused to take them off for his nap on the day that he got them.  I picked my battles and just let him sleep with them on!  Precious boy…I just love him! 

Right now, Campbell is so in to boots, hats, FOOTBALL, “mil” (milk), and being sneaking.  Oh and he is a master at distracting you!



Miss Larkin had her first REAL smile on February 18, 2012, for  her daddy.  Matt and I had both gotten a little smirk out of her but this was an obvious smile.  She was 6 weeks old.  IMG_1241

And, guess who else I smiling?  ME…because I just finished washing and folding FIVE loads of laundry.  Larkin had a rough day and I pretty much held her the ENTIRE day so I have been running since Matt got home.  He was only here for a few hours and left to go back to work. SO, after I put Larkin down, I got busy folding clothes.

I can’t say enough about how much I love our laundry room.  Life is just sooo much easier with a real laundry room!  I still need to take pictures of our house and do a post on the addition! Soon….very soon, I will!


Thursday, February 23, 2012

Ive been thinking again.

Okay…so this is going to be a totally random post of the random things that go on in my head!  It’s a scary place up there!  Ha!

  • Even though it has broken my heart to keep Trigger from school for two months (and it has made me truly so sad that he’s missing out on so much fun), I am SOOOO thankful for this time that he has had with Campbell.  Since Larkin made her debut, Trigger and Campbell have become best buds.  Campbell idolizes and copies everything Trigger does.  Trigger wants Campbell to be with him “playing” all the time.  Now, don’t get me wrong.  They are constantly yelling at each other and fighting EVERY minute over toys BUT, I can so see how close they have become in just 7 weeks!  It’s just so neat to watch their little friendship grow.  I truly hope that they will always be close!
  • I went to Walmart today…Liz held down the circus while I got out for a couple of hours to breathe and relax.  By the way, I think it’s so funny that my idea of relaxing today was going to walmart at lunch time when every Tom, Dick, and Harry were in there shopping.  I mean, really, why weren’t all those people working or eating lunch.  Oh well, it was relaxing to me just to not have two children calling “mommy” every second while I heard screaming in the background!  Okay…the reason for posting this though is because I think I have a problem…germaphobe or OCD…I’m not sure what you call it but I literally walk in walmart and for a few seconds, I stare down the buggies wondering…”which one should I pick” …”if I pick that one, will I get the flu”…”what about that one…im sure it’s got the stomach bug germ all over it”….”Oooo…maybe the bright blue new handled ones are cleaner…I probably should go with one of those.”  PEOPLE, this is what my life and brain are like right now…I have been lowered to starring down buggies to determine which has the least amount of germs so I (and the rest of my family) don’t get sick.  But, you see, I’m obviously already sick in the head!


  • I have a confession…I haven’t been to the dentist in 2 years.  There are reasons…errrr…excuses!  I have been pregnant for a lot of those two years and I knew I couldn’t have xrays….If I wasn’t pregnant, I was breastfeeding and was under time restraints….PLUS, it’s hard to coordinate when will  be a good day to have someone watch my children.   And then there is the matter of my front tooth.  I found out in college that I have a “dead”’s not really dead because I’ve had it checked and there are still live roots.  Anyway, it will just keep getting darker and darker…I’m really, really concerned about what I’m going to do about it…there are options…really good options.  however, all of them make me nervous.  What if something goes wrong?  It’s my FRONT tooth.  My parents paid a lot of  money for my smile after two sets of braces, lots of retainers, LOTS of dental work, etc.  I really don’t want this one tooth to mess things up.  But, let’s get real…it’s really already an eye sore.  Sooo, going to the dentist means I’ve got to make some decision about that dang tooth and I just don’t really even want to deal with it.  The time has come…I finally made an appointment for next week.  I’ve been having major pain in the back of my mouth for about a week so I gave in.  It’s actually feeling better now and I’m tempted to cancel  but I won’t.  BTW, I’ve always disliked the dentist…it all stems from Dr. Gilmore.  He and his lovely assistants held me down while they checked my teeth…at my very first dentist appointment ever.  Haven’t been a fan of the profession since that moment!
  • My most favorite snacks right now are 1. frozen grapes 2. pear apples


  • I’m not a fan of tax season.  Tax season means that Matt is gone a lot.  He does a great job of being here as much as possible.  However, he’s so sleep deprived (even more than me), that he doesn’t have much energy when he’s home.  How many days until April 15th??? (actually it’s the 18th this year, I think)
  • I have learned a few things about having three children (still have much more to learn).  One of the most important things that I had to learn..and am still learning…to tolerate is the constant crying.  There is literally always someone crying…and a lot of times there are two crying. 
  • One of the things I have found to entertain the boys especially while I am getting ready in the mornings…which by the way, I only put makeup on about 50% of the time.  Those of you that really know me, KNOW this is shocking!  Anyway, I put the boys in our shower.  I would show a picture but I don’t really want naked pictures on here.  They will stay in there for the longest time.  They have tons of little cups and they will sit and transfer water, fill their cups, etc.   I always put shaving cream all over the glass so they can draw…they LOVE that!  It’s easy entertainment that they LOVE…and most importantly, they are contained into one small area with not much they can destroy!


  • It’s so easy with all of the screaming to forget what a miracle Larkin truly is.  Not that all babies aren’t a miracle because they are.  BUT, a lot of obstacles were overcome to get her here.  From the fact that we weren’t suppose to be able to conceive a child to the pregnancy issues…ending with the intrauterine growth restriction.  It’s really scary to think what could’ve happened considering all of the issues.  Dr. Harper made many comments about how glad he was to have her out..that last 24 hours scared him…and me!  So, even though I get tired of the crying, I am sooo very thankful for our little miracle!


  • I’m pretty sure I have made some people mad.  I will explain myself on here to hopefully keep from hurting anyone else’s feelings.  I still carry my phone most of the time…I try to keep it right next to me where ever I am in the house.  However, it does get left places like in the kitchen while I’m in the playroom so I’m not as attached as I used to be.  I only have so many hands and arms…and my lounging clothes that I wear pretty much daily ;) don’t always have pockets!  I’m not going to lie though…there are A LOT of times that I ignore phone calls.  If you spent much time on the phone with me at my house, you would know why.  It’s not pleasant to talk to me when I have all three children.  Like I have said, someone is always screaming and I am usually near that screaming child and it’s super annoying to be the person on the other end listening to my children scream.  So, I ignore calls a lot.  I am also horrible (always have been) at returning calls.  If I have a free quiet second, I’m running like a mad woman to get laundry and dishes done and super cooked and maybe even a nap.  Sorry if I have hurt your feelings…I’m really just trying to spare your ears.
  • I know this is ridiculous but when I went for my check up with dr. harper yesterday, I was a little sad.  I was sitting there waiting and realized that I’ll never have those first appointments again…the ones where you are just giddy from finding out you are pregnant.  I’ll never feel another baby in my stomach. I’ll never see another ultrasound of a baby moving around inside of me.  I won’t be able to visit my favorite doctor except for once a year.  Do I want four children? NO…definitely…MOST definitely NOT!  However, it’s the fact that I will never again experience those things that makes me sad.  I’ll get over it eventually!


  • Guess what?  As soon as we are released into the world and we don’t fear every germ out there, I am headed to two places…my favorite places: TARGET and HOBBY LOBBY!!!!! 
  • I am super sad that I can’t work at Kool Kids this time.  I don’t know why?  I think I just hate missing out on something.  Trigger is really the one that needs clothes and I wouldn’t find anything there for him because most of his age stuff is too worn.  Mr. Campbell does NOT need any clothes AT ALL!  That child has a walk in closet full for the spring/summer and I’m sure I’ll still get them all three stuff to match.  I really want to go to shop for Larkin bc I’ve never been able to shop for a girl there.  But, I can’t sacrifice that much time away right now (esp. during tax season and with me still nursing Larkin).  So, I may go shop at the guest sale because I can’t stay away. 
  • I’m a tad concerned that Larkin is going to have gender issues.  Her bassinet, boppy, and nap nanny are all blue.  Poor girl.  She’s so neglected….HA!
  • I think it’s funny how with different babies, you have different favorite things.  With Trigger and Campbell, I only used the boppy to prop them up for tummy time or for support while sitting.  With Campbell, he preferred that I walked while breastfeeding him so that’s usually what I did.  This time I decided that I would buy the “my breast friend” (how corny is that) because I had read great reviews about it.  I think I’ve used it maybe 5 times and get this, I use the boppy almost every single time that I feed Larkin.  The funny part about it is that it’s a pottery barn blue boppy with Trigger’s name monogrammed on one side in huge letters and Campbell’s name on the other.  HA!!

Okay…Matt’s actually home for a little bit.  He has larkin so I’m going to get some sleep before I have to feed Larkin again!

Larkin- one month

Liz and I took Larkin to her one month appointment.  It is busy season for Matthew so he really doesn’t need to miss work.  Our (MY) goal for this appointment was to find out her weight and to get some acid reflux medicine. 
Why don’t we start with her stats:  Weight- 7lbs 2oz.    Height- 19.25 inches    Head Circumference- 14.05 inches

Dr. Slusher was very pleased with your growth.  You are pretty much gaining 2 ounces a day and Dr. Slusher would be happy with ONE ounce a day.  Soooo…yay for mommy’s milk being very rich!!!  IMG_1025

Speaking of milk…you are breastfeeding great now.  After about 2-3 weeks of stressing out, she finally caught on.  It’s funny because now I do not even look at the clock whereas, in the beginning, I starred at the clock to make sure she fed long enough!IMG_1054Like I said before, one of my goals for this appointment was to get some medicine for acid know, since I have given myself an MD, I diagnosed Larkin with acid reflux.  You see, both of our boys HAD acid reflux or so we thought.  And, get this, I though Trigger’s was pretty bad…NOT…it was nothing compared to this little princess.  At about 3 weeks old, she was awake all but about 30 minutes during the day.  AND, not just awake…she was screaming…even when we paced the floor.  SO, Dr. Slusher agreed to start her on Zantac (which I honestly wasn’t that excited about because it didn’t do much to help the boys) and she told me to stay away from dairy for 2 weeks. 

Update: a week after her one month appt, I took Larkin back in because she was still really fussy.  I noticed some difference with the zantac but not a great deal.  So, Dr. Moak (slusher wasn’t there) changed her medicine to Prevacid.  It has worked wonders!  Now our only problem is gas. IMG_1060Honestly, I haven’t taken as many pictures of Larkin as I should BUT she’s either screaming, I’m holding her, or she’s asleep and I don’t want to jeopardize those few quiet moments!

IMG_1089 Of course I am nursing her every three hours during the day and pretty much at night too.  However, we stopped setting an alarm clock to wake her up when she was 2 weeks old!  Even though she still wakes up pretty much on the 3 hour mark, it’s nice to not have an alarm set.

IMG_1120Diapers- We switched Larkin from Preemie diapers to newborn diapers at 3 weeks.  She is still wearing mostly preemie clothes and a few newborn clothes.  She has soooo many cute, children’s shoppe gowns that no one gets to see because she is with me each and every day.  At least I know she dressed cute! Ha!!IMG_1134At one month, you just sat in your bouncy seat and tolerated it…I wouldn’t say that you have reached the level of love yet.  We need to get there though because the bouncy seat helped me survive with the boys!IMG_1162I am still not sure who exactly you look like.  Your eyes look like Trigger but I’m not sure about the rest.  You most definitely do NOT look like Campbell…or me (Campbell looks like me and  Will).  Who knows…maybe you will be totally different too and look nothing like Trigger and Campbell.  I always thought I would have children that looked alike but I may just have three very individual children.IMG_1163

Other things to note about your one month appointment:

-You still look jaundice…especially in your eyes.  Dr. Slusher had the lab come draw your blood to check your levels.  They were fine…it’s just as we suspected and just from breastfeeding.

-You have a umbilical hernia (just like your brothers)…however,  yours must be bigger because your belly button sticks out really far!

I think that’s about it…Dr. Slusher was impressed with your growth and thought you looked great!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

iPhone catch up

I take so many pictures with my phone...way more than I should. One thing I miss about my iPhone4 is that it took way, way, way better pictures. Like no comparison!!!! I miss the flash so much.
(is there a cuter picture out there...nope. I think this is the cutest!)

Maybe soon I can upgrade! Anyway, back to the post...I wanted to remember a few (actually way more than a few) pictures that I have taken with my phone!
Back when my child was a little more compliant, she would nap in the bathroom while I took a shower!

This is how we watched the super our house...just the five of us! We couldn't go to a party bc of Larkin and germs!

We often have to use lizs trick for getting rid of baby gas. She spends quite a bit of time laying across my lap!

Larkin had her first time in the moby wrap. Excuse my appearance with no makeup and hair in the towel. I had just taken a shower!

Campbell has become in love with hats (and boots).

I am in love with pinterest. What a great way to pass the time during the three nighttime feedings. ;) I found this recipe (that I tweaked a little bit) for cake batter puppy chow...oh my word. It's sinfully delicious!!!

I tried on some of campbells spring and summer clothes and came across this bubble. Oh my goodness...why can't he still wear a bubble...he looks so cute in it!!!!

This is how I spend ALOT of my time lately...holding my two babies! Campbell has been super clingy lately. I'm thinking he's teething!!!!

I got a nap nanny...and it was suppose to "work wonders". Those wonders haven't worked yet. However, I could be that she gets herself all contorted while throwing her massive fits!

It was warm and beautiful today so I told the boys I would take them outside to ride their truck. They gladly posed for a pic for me since I was being mother of the year! It was my first time to take all three out! Interesting!!!!!!

Of course c threw a fit bc he wanted to drive...which is humorous bc he can reach the pedals!
Larkin and I got hot and made the boys go in...should I even be saying "we got hot" in February. Crazy!

Okay...I think that about catches me up on my iPhone pics. I have about 8 posts that I'm working on on my computer...just not as easy to blog now! ;)

Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Whew…maybe things are looking up!

I thought I should update after my “mayday” post.  Larkin has been on zantac for five days.  We are finally noticing a difference.  She still isn’t just the easiest baby but oh my goodness, things are WAY better.  She is no longer screaming all day!  Instead, she is just fussy after I nurse her….that lasts about 30 minutes.  After she spits up several times, she settles down.  This is a major change!  I am still hoping that Dr. Slusher will try her on prevacid because I think it’s just a stronger medicine and maybe that would eliminate the pain after feedings.  I have also been off of dairy products for five days.  Dr. Slusher said that she thought it was acid reflux (and I do too) but that we needed to make sure it was a dairy thing.  She said that if it was acid reflux, we would see a change quickly…if it was dairy, we wouldn’t see a change for 2 weeks.  Well, we have seen a change so I’m guessing acid reflux. 

036041OH MY WORD…check out those dimples…could eat him up!046057I’m not quite sure who larkin looks like.  We all thought Trigger when she was first born and she does still favor Trigger but she is definitely starting to look like her own little person.  Jennifer says that she has Anna Grace’s lips.  I just can’t tell!  I still see Trigger but Larkin definitely has a different nose.  059063071074090

Campbell is now loving Larkin! and he wants to hold her all the time!  YAY…both of the boys have done soooo good with her!  THAT is a huge relief!