I really can’t blame Campbell…this is pretty much how I feel these days too!
Mr. Campbell had to make ANOTHER trip to green clinic today. He has ear infection NUMBER FOUR (since December) for him…that makes 11 ear infections that campbell and trigger have had this winter. I seriously do NOT understand! It’s just so aggravating and it just makes me want to scream…so really I think these pictures are JUST perfect for this post.
We just finished an antibiotic Wednesday night…and Campbell had fever Friday night. I mean do we just need to stay on an antibiotic throughout the entire winter?!? Dr. Slusher even told me that she was frustrated that another (left ear this time) ear was infected that quickly after an antibiotic.
And, to top it off, Matt was sick (fever, aches, etc) all weekend and is actually still NOT feeling good at all. This is completely selfish but I was so tired from dealing with Trigger being sick all week last week and then Campbell starting fever on Friday. I just really wanted a little bit of a break or a little help this weekend. However, that did NOT happen because Matt was sick. I’m just ready for busy season to be over AND for spring/summer to be here so my boys can be well!!!!!
Here is hoping that we will NOT visit Green Clinic again this week OR next. However, Trigger went to MDO today so I told Dr. Slusher to expect us around Thursday afternoon or Friday…she laughed!
BTW, we were suppose to take Campbell next tuesday for his 9 month well check…he turned 9 months on March 3rd. However, because of Campbell’s ear infection/antibiotic, Dr. Slusher wanted us to wait a week so that we can re-check his ears too. If his ears aren’t clear, he will make a trip upstairs to Dr. Neal.
When they weighed Campbell today (at 9 months and 5 days), he was 18 lbs 5oz. According to my FAVORITE APP (Baby Connect), he is in the 15th percentile for weight…he’s dropped a little on his curve so we will see what Dr. Slusher says about that at his well check. For those of you that are anal like me, you really need the baby connect app. It is absolutely awesome. I enter the boys height and weight everytime we visit the dr….it charts their growth for me. You can email the charts.
Here are Campbell’s that I just emailed to myself so I could put them on here! There are two different views to choose from:
Isn’t that great. AND, if you are super anal (which apparently I am not because I don’t use these features), you can track feeding schedules, diaper changes, sleep, moods, activity, medical (weight/height/medicine/vaccines/health/temperature/head size), milestones, photos, etc. It truly is amazing. I wish I had documented more on there. Oh well….I can’t be perfect! haha!
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