It’s so hard for me to believe that Campbell is 9 months old. If I dwell on it long, I really might crumble. I know this is a constant theme in my blog posts but I am constantly amazed at how fast these babies are growing up. I truly makes me want another baby RIGHT now but I’m just not sure which path God will take us…we shall see!
What is Campbell doing these days?
Campbell is a pretty laid back baby…FINALLY!!!! The poor baby has to take a back seat most of the time because his big brother is the big bad two year old that is constantly melting down. haha! Actually today has been a phenomenal day which probably means someone is getting sick.
Okay, back to Campbell! Let’s start out with the most important thing!
SLEEP: You are sleeping all night and have been for awhile..even though if you ask your daddy, he will completely disagree. I am not sure why he thinks that you aren’t sleeping all night. I guess he is thinking about when you are sick…which has been a lot lately! When you have an ear infection, you wake up some during the night but other than that, you sleep good. You go to bed around 7:30 but would really like to be asleep before then. That seems to be the earliest we can get you and your brother in bed…we are working on that though! You are taking two naps on days when we are home. Your morning nap is usually around 9 and your afternoon nap is around 1. You usually sleep for about an hour and a half for each. I have gotten to where I can rock you just for a few minutes and put you in your crib. Sometimes I have to come back in to make you lay back down. When I do this, it TICKS YOU OFF! and you will lay on your tummy, crying, and sucking your fingers, AND KICKING YOUR right foot up and down on the bed. I guess this is your protest to me not picking you up! At bedtime, I nurse you and that makes you very drowsy. I rock you for a minute and put you down in your crib and you go to sleep. You almost never wake up happy. You start screaming as soon as you wake up. :( I’m ready for you to wake up talking and playing.
Feeding: I am still nursing you four times a day (and sometimes a snack before supper). Our nursing schedule is usually something like this (but is all determined by your wake up time), 7:00, 11:00, 3:00, (sometimes snack at 530), and 7:00. As I have said before, it took us forever to get you to nurse exclusively…I feel like we have just gotten you there (at 5 months) and I’m not near ready to stop! :) You still click when I nurse you but not nearly as bad. You usually nurse for about 10 minutes. There are times when it is inconvenient like when we are in the car! But, I wouldn’t trade it! It is mighty nice to not have to wash bottles, nipples, and all of dr. brown’s parts! I have been working on getting Campbell to take a sippy (with a straw) cup but he doesn’t really have a desire. I have started consistently feeding Campbell breakfast and supper. He gets half of a container of fruit for breakfast and a few tablespoons of oatmeal…we never gave Trigger oatmeal as a baby and I’m not really sure why. For Supper, he gets one container of vegetables and probably about 4-5 tablespoons of rice cereal. He really isn’t a great eater. Trigger loved everything we put in front of him; Campbell gags at everything we give him. He now tolerates vegetables and rice cereal. He HATES oatmeal (but I’m working on it) and is not really a fan of fruit. CRAZY!!!!! I thought all babies liked fruit. Trigger’s OT watched me feeding Campbell and said that he may be a sensory baby…SERIOUSLY? Surely not! Apparently the textures in fruit are greater than in vegetables. Who knows…all I know is that I’m not sure where he came from if he doesn’t like to eat! HAHA!
I love, love this little smile!!!! AND, I can’t believe that I have another baby with beautiful blue eyes…like bright, bright blue eyes!!!! On a side note, my eyes have always been blue (more gray/blue). In the last couple of years, they have changed some. Here lately I have noticed that my eyes don’t really look blue anymore. In fact, THEY ARE GREEN…like not blue, GREEN!!! I didn’t know your eyes could change late in life. Guess it was having babies…since with each pregnancy my hair did get darker and darker!!! Who knows what will happen to my eyes and hair if I had another baby!
Campbell is waving bye-bye and clapping on command. In fact, if he sees someone leaving, he usually starts waving. I just love when babies clap and wave. I think it’s adorable. He is still pulling up on everything and is now cruising from one piece of furniture to another. We often find Campbell crawling on his hands and feet (instead of knees). He can even stand for a few seconds on his own. You can tell by his facial expressions that it makes him nervous to stand without assistance! Campbell has also been making motor boat sounds…well, he’s been doing this for awhile. BUT, Trigger has this obsession with Matt’s blower. He will get toys out of his playroom and pretend that he is blowing the leaves and makes the motor boat sound. Campbell will hear him and immediately joins in.
I’m in love with Campbell and Trigger’s relationship. I think its just precious…even when it usually involves a lot of screaming and yelling. Campbell is pretty much okay with playing and being out of my arms as long as Trigger is somewhere close. It is so different with a second child…some things are easier and some things are harder. My favorite thing so far is that Campbell has entertainment in watching Trigger. It is funny to me though because as much as Campbell loves watching Trigger and having Trigger near him, he does NOT want to be bothered by Trigger. If Trigger tries to hug him or kiss him, Campbell SCREAMS. Maybe it is fear on Campbell’s part…and I wouldn’t blame him for that…Trigger has hurt him quite a few just the other day when I was changing Campbell’s diaper, Trigger walked up to Campbell and just kicked the daylights out of Campbell’s head. I was so irritated with Trigger…What would possess him to just walk up and kick his brother?!?! Their relationship is already so special and I know it will only grow to be even stronger!!
I think I have already mentioned this but Campbell is a serious little fella. He’s a hard audience. The songs and dance don’t work on them like they did/do work on Trigger. Trigger is sooooo easy to get him to smile…he is VERY easily amused!!!!! like his daddy. Campbell, on the other hand, has made the face above for awhile now…that is his “im not giving you a smile” face. He is a thinker…or maybe he’s just stubborn which would mean that Campbell (unfortunately) might be a little like me! ;) Campbell is obsessed with cords, electrical outlets, and anything else that is dangerous. I have started saying “no” firmly but have also popped his hand a few times. Trigger, of course, thought it was grand that his brother was getting in trouble and decided to take the discipline on himself this morning when Trigger was playing with a nightlight. I explained to Trigger that Matt and I are the only ones to discipline but I would love for him to come tell me when Campbell was doing something dangerous. Thankfully, the rest of the morning, Trigger has yelled for me each time!
I absolutely love this picture above!!!!
Campbell is an absolute joy! I can’t imagine life without him!!! I am very thankful that God chose me to be his momma!!!
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