Tuesday, December 4, 2012


Where to start?!?! I have no clue. I'll start with today Bc I can remember that the best! We had a busy day.
We rushed to get ready...breathing treatment, breakfast, and a quick picture of my boys on the way out the door.
Love their shirts!!!!

We dropped Campbell off at "school". Then, we had to take Trigger to the ENT to have his ears rechecked. He has had fluid on his ear (mainly the right one) for 2 months. So, we waited...and took pictures. Bc that's what all good mommas do in the waiting room, right?!

We got sent down to X-ray. Then back up to audiology for a test to check fluid and a hearing test. Then we waited to see dr. Neal.

Dr. Neal gave us the news that trigger did still have fluid in both ears. AND, his adenoids were rather large. Soooo, he needs tubes put in and adenoid tissue taken out. We have it scheduled for Thursday.
Then, if you are at all familiar with the whole process...and we most certainly are! You will know what comes next.....BLOODWORK!
Now, Matt and I are not the most sympathetic people. Let me start by saying that I do not think our way that we handle things is the best way...in fact, I'm sure they will need counseling at some point for our parenting decisions. So, I am a firm believer in just telling the truth and telling like it is. Comes from lots of lies that I was told as a child. So, we left and I turned to trigger and said "we are going to get blood work". And as I expected he responded with asking what that was. I told him what they would do. Btw, this is not his first go of this so he somewhat remembers. We don't make a big deal out of it. I warn him what is coming. I am very factual. And that's it. Check out that face. Don't worry. He's not neglected. I hugged on him a million times. But I just don't baby him. I just reassure in a very no big deal tone that its going to be FINE!
He did great. He kept making this face but once we got back there, he didnt cry at all. Watched the needle. Talked to the ladies.

Trigger is my worrier. Every time a dr visit is involved, he asks me how long it is until his bday Bc he knows that he has to get another shot after his birthday (flu shot).
After we left the lab, we had to make a quick stop at the surgical center to preregister. Got that done in record time...however, this is our fifth set of tubes in a year and a half. I feel like I need a frequent flyer card that I can just swipe.
By this time, it was 1115. I had promised trigger that he could go to school and see Sam (his best friend). So, I took him there and headed home. Miss priss was a trouper. She missed her morning nap. And she almost completely missed a feeding. She was fed at 7 and didn't get fed again until 12. Poor baby!!!!
When we went to pick up the boys, the teachers were kind of waiting by the door. They greeted me with "did you get my text" (and I hadn't Bc I was on the phone) "he's asleep"
Me: "what?!?!?!!!! Asleep?!?!!! He must be exhausted from the morning. Ooooor he's getting horribly sick"
It was worth a picture since he has never napped at trinity!!!!!

After that, we played, cleaned, folded clothes, ate supper, cleaned up supper, baths, pjs, reading books, and bedtime.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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