Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Merry Christmas!

The fun is about to begin. I'm busy downloading pictures so I can free up some room on my card for the Christmas festivities that will begin TONIGHT for my family. We are such a big family that we celebrate for three solid pray for us because Trigger is going to be CRANKY~!!!!!
Anyway, I wanted to share our Christmas card with you...if you didn't get one, it's because I'm terrible at making a master list and keeping up with it...and I'm horrible at getting cards out. I loved how these turned out this year.

Don't you just love those pouty lips!!!!
We hope you have a Merry, Merry Christmas!!!!
The Woodards (Matt, Garson, Trigger, and baby too!)

P.S. I will try to upload pictures from all the fun as soon as possible...i know you will all be waiting on the edge of your seats...HAHA~!!!

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