Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Back, Back, Back it up...

Sorry...i was trying to think of a title and that song came to mind..haha!
Anyway, as I posted on FB, we took over 800 pictures of Christmas festivities (in just three days)! So...I am going to wait on that and today I'm going to back it up to November and post a few pictures. I was sick most of November so it's sad to say but I don't have as many pictures as I usually do.
First let's start with the fact that Trigger gets more and MORE busy every day. I mean I didn't that was possible but every day he stretches the limits! In fact, I think Santa heard about these little offenses and he delivered something in Trigger's stocking to remedy the will see more on that later!
Let me explain the picture below...i was sitting in Matt's chair in the den. It got kindof quiet and I thought that wasn't a good sign but didn't investigate. Then, I heard some huffing, puffing, and grunting. I turn around and look in the kitchen to see this....

Needless to say, he was proud of his accomplishment of getting in the chair. So much so that he got in and out of the chair about a million times that afternoon.
As most of you know, we LOVE Christmas around here and LOVE to we decorate a week or two before Thanksgiving! I know it's crazy but that's just the way we like it. Here is a few pictures of Trigger looking at his tree for the first time.

And, just a day in the life at the Woodard household...actually not even a day...more like in 15 minutes we (or really, TRIGGER AKA THE TORNADO) can destroy a room, break a few ornaments, and then throw a fit because SOMEONE??? messed it up!??!?! Oh my...the life of a toddler.

During the week of Thanksgiving, Trigger had his first speech session. He sat for AN HOUR and stared at Mrs. Kristi. WHAT? I haven't seen the child sit still for more than a minute since he's been born...seriously..not even in the NICU!!! Anyway, before the session, I took a few pictures of Trigger AND a few of his little curls. I love those shoes..aren't they so cute!!

Every boy must have a pair of denim overalls, RIGHT??? and a pair of camo boots? Here are a few of Trigger playing outside in his very boyish clothes.

And, last, we have a few pictures from Thanksgiving at Mamaw and Papaw (Hood)'s house. And, as you can tell in two of the pictures, Trigger is obssessed with hats!

Whew...that took off to organize the 800+ pictures from Christmas! :)

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Merry Christmas!

The fun is about to begin. I'm busy downloading pictures so I can free up some room on my card for the Christmas festivities that will begin TONIGHT for my family. We are such a big family that we celebrate for three solid pray for us because Trigger is going to be CRANKY~!!!!!
Anyway, I wanted to share our Christmas card with you...if you didn't get one, it's because I'm terrible at making a master list and keeping up with it...and I'm horrible at getting cards out. I loved how these turned out this year.

Don't you just love those pouty lips!!!!
We hope you have a Merry, Merry Christmas!!!!
The Woodards (Matt, Garson, Trigger, and baby too!)

P.S. I will try to upload pictures from all the fun as soon as possible...i know you will all be waiting on the edge of your seats...HAHA~!!!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Photo Shoot and a Little NEWS...

After three attempts (and sick people), we finally got our pictures taken. Crystal Garcia came to our house and took them...She is wonderful. It was FREEZING outside and drizzling rain. However, you know who (me), HAD to have family pictures OUTSIDE. I was a nice momma and changed his outfit from a shortsleeve/shorts VERY CUTE royal blue corduroy outfit to the red one that you will see in the following pictures. I would definitely recommend Crystal. She was very laid back and WONDERFUL with Trigger.
Here are a few of my favorites...

That he's going to be a....

Here are a few more with Trigger's new shirt. Usually I'm not a fan of big brother/sister shirts until the baby is actually here...and he won't wear it again but while Crystal was here, I had to take the opportunity to get a picture of him in the shirt! And, at this point he was LOVIN Crystal so she got alot of shots with him in the shirt.
Oh yeah...and you will see THE red blankie in a few pictures...that would be because while Trigger was in the chair in the picture above, he flipped out of it and landed on his head...I would say I was so surprised because HE DOES SIT IN THE CHAIR ALL THE TIME (with someone watching) BUT I'm really NOT surprised...he apparently gets my clumsiness! which is going to drive his daddy CRAZY!!!! WELL...there you go...had to stop typing for a second because he had just flipped trying to get in a cardboard box and landed on his head...

As far as being pregnant, I have been very sick (mainly at night) and living on zofran...which is a MIRACLE drug! Like with Trigger, we had to go to Dr. London/Dr. Vandermolen in Shreveport. They monitored us every two weeks with ultrasounds until we reached 12 weeks. Last week we were released to go see Dr. Harper (the BEST OB in the WORLD)! We went to visit with him today. Our plan right now is to continue seeing Dr. Harper throughout the pregnancy but we will go to Shreveport to Dr. Briery at Willis Knighten South...with Trigger we went to Dr. Groome at LSU. Both doctors are MFM (Maternal Fetal Medicine) specialist. We had great care at LSU but the extended stay at the facility on bedrest and laboring on a gurney for two days was NOT the ideal setting! Soooo we will try this new doctor and if we don't like him, we will go back to LSU. In case you aren't familiar with our situation, I will try to summarize for you. I have two blood clotting diseases (AntiPhospholipid Antibody Disorder and MTHFR) PLUS I have high blood pressure. All of these individually can cause complications but combined can be really bad. The most common complications preeclampsia (but at an early stage), low amniotic fluid (which is what caused us to deliver at 34.5 weeks with Trigger), blood clots in the placenta, Intrauterine Growth Retardation...these are the ones that come to my head right now...of course our major fear (and a complication of the blood clotting disorders) is stillbirth! However, we are praying and asking you to pray along with us that my body and the baby can make it day by day! All we can do is be thankful for each and every day! I'm on the Heparin shots twice a day like I was last time. NOT FUN...if I were brave I would show you a picture of my bruises on my stomach...NOT pretty! This time they have added baby asprin to hopefully prevent what happened with Trigger. Anyway, we are VERY excited to have made it this far (13 weeks).
I am due on June 16th. However, we were warned like we were with Trigger that we could deliver as early as 30 weeks which would be the middle of April. At this point we are cautiously excited (if that makes sense)!
I will leave you with a family picture of TEAM WOODARD! :)