Monday, August 24, 2009


I know you have been on the edge of your seats...just waiting and waiting...School has been kicking my tail. Really it's not so much school as it is the time factor involved with being back in school. I don't get home from getting Trigger until 4ish and then it's time to cook supper, clean kitchen, try to do laundry, give T a bath, and put T to bed AND THEN I CRASH (and we don't even have children yet)...This being a working mom is not all it's cracked up to be!!!! haha! I won't keep you in suspense any longer.
Trigger and Chasten (Mrs. Veatch) reading a book.

Trigger (actually Mommmy) loves the "1" shirt from Chasten.

Trigger (and Matt) and Mallory (and Michelle)

Sydney and Mallory...can you tell that we made them take a picture together...but aren't they so precious together!!!

After everyone arrived, the children swam in Izzy and Poppy's pool.

Then, we ate pizza and had CUPCAKES! I made this large CUPCAKE cake for Trigger's cake. This was not his first time to eat a cake so he was familiar with the routine!

I thought this was the SWEETEST...Trigger started feeding Sydney some of his cake. Bless Sydney's little heart..she just starting eating right out of Trigger's hand...she's so sweet. I think the two of them are going to be best of friends growing up and I love that!

We had to take Trigger to the sink to wash all the blue icing off...why did I choose blue icing??????? It was EVERYWHERE!

Trigger and Mamaw...Trigger is laughing at Papaw. Papaw Hood is one of Trigger's most favorite people. I think Trigger could laugh at him all day long. It's so precious!!!

Sydney and Mallory helping Trigger open his presents.

Mallory and Mr. Jerry (Matt's dad)

Me and Sydney (my neice...Will's youngest)

Trigger and Izzy

Trigger loved his birthday Build-a-Bear that Aunt Liz and Uncle Ivin gave him.

Mommy and Trigger

Trigger and Mallory hugging...too bad they are cousins are we might be arranging a marriage...however, this is Louisiana and they are distant...hmmm...ONLY KIDDING!

That took quite a long time...and that's just a taste of the 250 pictures that were taken. I hope you enjoyed a sneak peak into Trigger's first birthday party...sorry it's taken me so long to post them! Hopefully I can get back into the swing of things and start posting more often!!!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Our Little Cupcake!

The theme for Trigger's party was CUPCAKES!
Today I'm just going to upload pictures of the decorations because I don't have time to upload all the pics from the party. Thanks to my sister who did an excellent job taking pictures for me so I could enjoy the party. Thanks, Deanna!
One of the things I made was this picture banner. It had one picture from each month of his first year...WOW...he has grown so much in one year...from 4lbs 5oz to 20lbs 7oz.!!!

Next, I made a CUPCAKE "Trigger" banner and a CUPCAKE "Happy Birthday" banner.

And then my brilliant idea a day or two before the party...tags on cups for people to write names....why use a sharpie? this is ALOT cuter!!!!!! it did take forever though.

I made 2 CUPCAKE holders to match the tourquise and lime green colors. Do you see that little hand? He's always around!!! That little boy's always got to be right in the middle of what his momma's doing!

This CUPCAKE table runner was sooo easy to make and made the table look really cute!

These are the party favors: a rolling pin, playdough, and a CUPCAKE cookie they can "make" CUPCAKES.

Last, THE CUPCAKES! I made these and they actually looked alot better at the party...this is the leftovers two days later and the fondant was starting to melt on top. And, while trying to take the pictures, Trigger kept sneaking over and getting a bite of icing! He knows what's good! :) i know that's pretty pathetic that I just did a post on decorations, but I'm tired. AND, my body is aching...for some stupid reason I decided to move ALL of my furniture around in my classroom...about 5 huge bookcases filled with blocks, books, and other fun stuff...and tables, chairs, desks, dramatic play furniture, etc. I'm exhausted and at the moment having a very difficult time going from spending 12 hours a day with Trigger to 2.5 hours...NOT FUN!!!!!! sooo...i'm going to take some tylenol, iron my clothes for tomorrow (maybe?!), and take a hot bath...all before ten because ive got to get some sleep!!! or i'm going to loose it..haha! SERIOUSLY!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009


It's been a long time since I blogged..sorry! BUT, OH MY WORD, I now have a ONE year old!!!!!! Trigger turned one on July 29th. We celebrated while we were in Orange Beach for the week with my whole entire family! Trigger has still only opened up a couple of presents from us...guess I need to wrap the rest so he can open the others. His birthday party is this Saturday so I'm sure I will have plenty of pictures to blog with then. For now, I have a few shots from his actual birthday, some from our trip, and a few from our birthday cake eating photo shoot!
oh..and a few from Jennifer and Mrs. Marcia's Birthday party...however, the pictures are of Trigger opening his birthday presents from the Johnson's (they will be out of town for Trigger's party).

Below: I had to take a picture of Trigger on his birthday FIRST THING IN THE MORNING...some would call that cruel...I just call it being obsessed with photos!!!
Opening a present from Abby and was a cute shark beach towel. Abby modeled it for us.

This was so precious. The night of Trigger's birthday, we all got ready to go out to eat. Abby, Sydney, and Trigger all matched (of course I didn't get a picture of all three...but they were SOOOO cute). While the adults were getting ready, Sydney and Trigger started feeding each other was so sweet.

We got back from the restaurant so late and Trigger was SOOO tired. I had made cupcakes to celebrate but debated on whether to go ahead with letting him eat a cupcake an hour past his bedtime...I put him in his pjs and then decided to go ahead with this cupcake eating. AND, he had on an UGLY bib for the occasion..OH WELL!
The birthday hat that he does NOT like was from Mrs. Veatch (Chasten).

Love this picture...Sydney was "helping" Matt video Trigger eating his cupcake.

Because of the late night, we let Trigger open his presents (the two that we brought with us) the next morning. He kept getting distracted...I have NO idea where he gets that from!!!! Haha!!
check out that look on the first one...i'm sure I will see that look alot over the years!

The pattern went like this. 1. take forever opening a gift. 2. daddy takes the toy away to open it. 3. i (trigger) cry. 4. daddy finally give it back. 5. im happy.

And LAST but NOT least...cake eating pictures. I had an appointment with a photographer and our session got cancelled at last minute. I had already made a cake to take for his pictures. Soooo, I decided to take my own photos...and I think I got some good shots. Here are a few of the 328 that I took! Trigger really doesn't like the cake but he did play in it...wasn't real happy about getting his hands nasty but we made him anyway.

Whew...okay, I'm finished...that was TOO many pictures to upload and took forever. I'm not sure how good I will be about blogging. School starts for us next Wednesday. Hopefully, I can upload birthday party pictures before we go back! Pray for me as I go back to school...going to be difficult to leave Trigger everyday after a summer of spending every minute with him. He is sooo fun but he can be very challenging. Mrs. Veatch and my parents have just recently gotten to see his FITS that he't know that the fit throwing started this early! Even with the fit throwing, I LOVE spending every minute with our little miracle that we prayed so hard for!!!!!