Monday, August 26, 2013

Beach Trip- #2 (HOOD family)

This year the Hood beach trip was a little different.  We had had these dates picked out in spring so that everyone could work their schedule around them.  Of course we had no way of knowing that Papaw would fall and break his leg a few days before we were supposed to leave.  After the whole trip being up in the air, Liz decided that it would be best for us kids to go and try to have fun.  I honestly think it was better for her for us to be gone so she wasn’t worried about us needing her help.  She is always tending to us when we are in Ruston.  My dad and Liz stayed home because Papaw had to have surgery and then ended up having to have another surgery….it turned into a pretty huge crashing and calling the codes on the speakers…the whole nine yards.  It was a tad like a roller coaster…or more like a nightmare for liz.  We did have a good time but it was a little strange without my parents there…and of course we were all worried about papaw.  Half of us ended up just coming on back early so that we could go to the hospital to visit with Papaw.  Anyway, the kids are becoming more and more like beach bums.  SORT OF.  Larkin made a huge improvement from our trip in May…on that trip, she would scream and cry if a morsel of sand touched her and wouldn’t stop crying until it was off.  This time, NO BIG DEAL.  She had sand in all sorts of crevices. 

Our traveling also seems to be getting better.  Not nearly as many tears and screaming which is always a huge plus!

IMG_3051Of course as soon as we got down there, matt realized how much more I pack than vanna and seth do.  In my defense, I have one more child…and that one more child is a GIRL!  plus, I have to pack a nebulizer and almost  a suitcase of medicine!  Matt was still adamant that I pack too much.  SOOOOOO, I had a wonderful idea.  I think he should pack all of us next time.  :)  Because in my eyes, complaining about my packing too much is sort of like after a long day in the heat of mowing, matt coming in and me crying about how short he cut the grass.  Theres not much he could do about it at that point and just makes  him feel like that long day of work was sort of less than par.  BUT, that’s neither here nor there…he can pack next time.  IMG_3052Matt, as always, was a hit with all the kids!IMG_3059And so was Uncle “sef”IMG_3060My boys slept together in a bed and did much better than they did in May!IMG_3066Trigger and Reid…Vanna probably had to put Reid through electronic detox after the trip because my boys had all their devices with them.  I do have to say that we do NOT let them use their electronics all the time.  they are reserved for dr. visits and trips.  In fact, those nabis havent even been charged since our beach trip in july.  Electronics are wonderful but we TRY to not let them rule our lives…well, except me…and my phone…because we are BFF. IMG_3080IMG_3081IMG_3086IMG_3105IMG_3106IMG_3107My dad’s favorite part of the trip is us going out to eat each night.  I would get text from him around 3 asking where we were going to eat…if we had made reservations…if I needed the numbers, etc.  I felt so bad that he was missing out.  He LOVES good food! Winking smile

IMG_3110IMG_3114IMG_3115IMG_3126IMG_3127I think this is the only family shot we got all week and it isn’t even that great.  IMG_4833IMG_3091LOVE this picture of trigger with a sailboat in the background.  I think I want to get one to hang somewhere in my house.  IMG_3135Of course we had to visit build a bear again this year.  Matt made fun of me and called me the “fun police” because as we were walking in, I said “ok boys…you can pick something but I HAVE to approve what you get”.  REALITY check!  sooooo, they picked what they wanted.  SMURFS.  Not what I wouldve wanted them to pick but who cares.  AND, larkin picked the same exact bunny that she made last year.  but that’s what she wanted so that’s what she got!IMG_3141IMG_3148IMG_3172IMG_3179IMG_3184IMG_3224IMG_4835I MUST blow up this picture below!  LOVE, LOVE, LOVE!!!  My three precious boys!IMG_3165IMG_4842We went to the track again.  It was super fun!!! Deanna went with us too so that was fun!IMG_4845IMG_3246IMG_3256IMG_3257IMG_4855

We attempted beach pictures again this year.  I am telling you, this almost does us in as a family.  I try to not make it fact, I went into it with VERY low expectations and told matt “just let them play” and I will try to get a few pics while they play.  this was as good as it got!IMG_4883IMG_4895IMG_4896IMG_4907IMG_4908



On the way home, after we dropped deanna off in jackson, all three children went to sleep at the same time.  HEAVENLY!  It was so peaceful and quiet!IMG_3270IMG_3271Baby girl even went to sleep while holding her cookie.  Hahaha!!!!IMG_3274

As always, we were all worn out.  It was a fun trip.  And I have to say that Papaw just now got to come home this past week…6 weeks to the day from his admit day. 

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