Tuesday, June 4, 2013


sigh….why can’t I get my life together?  or more importantly, why can’t I get my blog together?  ha.  I am on a mission once again.  I will get caught up…hope you can bare with me.  Here are some random shots from…are you sitting down…APRIL!  yep..that’s right.  that’s how far behind I am.  the first few pictures prove that it is next to impossible to get all three of my children to look at a camera!  I made their shirts/dresses during my sewing distraction during tax season.  I do LOVE how they turned out!IMG_3293



Larkin is definitely our wild child.  She is a baby through and through.  Day one of riding campbell’s old four wheeler, she was standing up driving it.  IMG_3338

IMG_3351IMG_3365She saw her daddy drive up on the real four wheeler…she LOVES her “da-deeeee”IMG_3380IMG_3384Im not sure what ts look is all about.IMG_3386And, just a little bike riding…IMG_3394

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