Thursday, April 4, 2013

Our Easter

After we left my parents house, we came home and quickly took baths and put on pjs.  Then, we had to set out carrots for the Easter bunny.  I totally forgot that I had stuck Larkins bow in my hair while we were in the car.  Oops!  IMG_3195IMG_3197IMG_3200IMG_3202Setting out their buckets/baskets…I really have meant to order them real baskets since Trigger was born but I just procrastinate and then think “whats the use..they don’t really use them that much”  WHAT HAS HAPPENED TO ME?!?!  I guess I am just losing all care.IMG_3212The kids went to bed and the Easter bunny came.  The Easter bunny didn’t do the greatest job this year.  Oh well.  They did get some fun things but everything was for use at the pool or beach so they had nothing to really play with on Easter morning.  It was kind of like “here you go…yay…that’s something we can use in a couple of months…looks fun, doesn’t it?  now hand it over because we aren’t going to play with that in the house.”  haha…poor children.  IMG_3217the easter bunny ate some of the carrots.IMG_3218IMG_3226And, again, making the kids wait…just one more picture, THEN you can go see what the Easter bunny brought.  IMG_3219IMG_3221IMG_3223IMG_3225Larkin was so funny because she sat like a perfect angel at her basket and pulled one thing at a time, looked at it, kind of studied it, and then laid it down beside her and went on to the next item.  Her basket was BORING!!!  IMG_3229IMG_3231IMG_3234IMG_3236The Easter bunny hid some eggs on the back patio because it was raining.  IMG_3239IMG_3241IMG_3244IMG_3246Next year, the Easter bunny must find some girly eggs….and maybe be a little more prepared.  IMG_3248WE rushed to get ready for church and were LATE.  argh.  so aggravating to be late.  We took some family pictures when we got back home.  It was COLD and rainy so we took them quick.  I LOVE that I didn’t buy a single thing.  Larkin is wearing her dress from last Easter.  Trigger is wearing his outfit from last Easter.  Campbell is wearing Trigger’s Easter outfit from when he was that age.  Matt and I, of course, had our outfits.  I was sort of proud of myself…I guess I am looking for a pat on the back.  LOL.IMG_3254Look at my big boys.  LOVE them!!!!IMG_3259Larkin was TIRED because it was naptime at this point…IMG_3269Larkin wore my little heart necklace from when I was little.  I can’t wait for her to be big enough to wear my sweet little chain with a few pearls.  I LOVE that necklace and can’t wait for her to wear it…in the mean time, she can wear this one.  SHe looks like a big girl in the picture below…maybe it’s the necklace.IMG_3275IMG_3279

And because I love a good comparison, here’s 2012 and 2013 Easter pics.


my, my, my…look how much they have changed.  SOOOOOO sad!

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