Saturday, December 22, 2012


Yes, I realize that it is just a few days until Christmas and my title says “halloween”.  That would be because I am very, very far behind on blogging.  STORY. OF. MY. LIFE!  Someone…ahem…sent me a text tonight and told me I needed to hop to it so she would have something to read.  Guess I needed that push.  I have to say that blogging is really the only way that I document.  For example…I just printed out a tooth chart to go in Larkin’s baby book…yes, she is almost a year old and yes, the pattern that you see of me procrastinating and never getting things done DOES in fact, carry over to almost every aspect of my life….anyway, I printed out the chart and I had to look back on here to see when she actually got teeth.  And, she still doesn’t have exact dates of when each pearly white broke through the gum like I had with Trigger.  Oh well…she will just have to be happy that there is something in her baby book!

Back to Halloween.  Let’s make this brief.  We had Halloween.  Both of the boys had a dress up day at school and then on halloween we went to our fall festival at church.  If I remember correctly, we probably shouldn’t have been there.  I think Campbell had a cough and Larkin was just diagnosed with the low immune system thing and had just gotten tubes.  Nope, I sure wont win mother of the  year. 

Trigger was spiderman…that KILLED me.  a character…sigh.  I swore it wouldn’t happen and I only lasted until he was four and I caved.  double SIGH!

Campbell was woody.  Actually, now that I think of it…woody is a character too.  sigh..sigh…sigh.  But, the woody costume is super cute….not so much for the spiderman costume!

Larkin was…are we ready for this…A PUMPKIN.  I just couldn’t let the opportunity pass.  Both of my boys wore this costume so she had to also!

IMG_7626IMG_7630IMG_7631Trigger and his best friend, SamIMG_7632Trigger and AlexIMG_7635IMG_7656IMG_7722My parents walking in to the fall festival with the boysIMG_7734Trigger looks thrilled that we had to stop to fill out the forms before entering.IMG_7735IMG_7744IMG_7746Larkin and Charlie Williams…yes, he is four months YOUNGER than larkin.  Poor larkin is so short/petite.IMG_7748IMG_7771IMG_7772IMG_7785IMG_7789Of course this was Campbells favorite.  He LOVES to “shoot” animals.IMG_7799Our huge family. ;)IMG_7802

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