Saturday, November 17, 2012

Sleeping babies

Ok. So I can't seem to get it together enough to blog from my computer. At the moment, I am pumping. Yes, my baby is 10 months old and I am still pumping. And the stupid part is that she still want take a sippy cup. So, I pump this milk to attempt to give her a sippy cup with a meal...IF I remember. Stupid! Believe me, I know!
Anyway, I decided that I should make a little blog post from my phone. I should start doing this every night because truthfully, this is where all of the "good" pictures are. The truthful, what's really happening in my life pictures!!!! I took a quick glance back at my pictures and noticed that I have a lot of sleeping babies in my pictures. I love a sleeping baby/toddler/preschooler!

And those are just from the last couple months! I'm a little obsessed with seeing my children sleeping. So peaceful. You will notice, however, that I don't have many pictures of Campbell. He is super grumpy if you wake him up so I don't risk it! T sleeps very little so when he is asleep, he's out and he's a WILD sleeper as you can tell. Every few nights, I have to go back there and pull him back onto the bed Bc his head will literally be hanging down off the bed with the rest of his body on top of bed. Can't see how that is comfortable. And, Larkin...I have to wake her up from these sleeping positions daily to pick up or take brothers to school. :(
Ok. I'm off to get some sleep myself. I hope no one is taking pictures of me though. Ha!
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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