Saturday, November 17, 2012

Sleeping babies

Ok. So I can't seem to get it together enough to blog from my computer. At the moment, I am pumping. Yes, my baby is 10 months old and I am still pumping. And the stupid part is that she still want take a sippy cup. So, I pump this milk to attempt to give her a sippy cup with a meal...IF I remember. Stupid! Believe me, I know!
Anyway, I decided that I should make a little blog post from my phone. I should start doing this every night because truthfully, this is where all of the "good" pictures are. The truthful, what's really happening in my life pictures!!!! I took a quick glance back at my pictures and noticed that I have a lot of sleeping babies in my pictures. I love a sleeping baby/toddler/preschooler!

And those are just from the last couple months! I'm a little obsessed with seeing my children sleeping. So peaceful. You will notice, however, that I don't have many pictures of Campbell. He is super grumpy if you wake him up so I don't risk it! T sleeps very little so when he is asleep, he's out and he's a WILD sleeper as you can tell. Every few nights, I have to go back there and pull him back onto the bed Bc his head will literally be hanging down off the bed with the rest of his body on top of bed. Can't see how that is comfortable. And, Larkin...I have to wake her up from these sleeping positions daily to pick up or take brothers to school. :(
Ok. I'm off to get some sleep myself. I hope no one is taking pictures of me though. Ha!
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Mamaw’s Reunion

My grandmother decided to have a reunion for her side of the family.  Her sister is very ill and she was coming into town so it was the perfect weekend.  I was a little sad for my grandmother because a lot of her family ended up not being able to come…so it really was just the crew that gets together on most holidays.  But, it was still nice to see everyone. 

The kids decided they wanted to skate which is funny because most of them had never attempted before!  IMG_7560IMG_7561IMG_7562IMG_7566Let’s just say that it didn’t last long for most of them!IMG_7570IMG_7572IMG_7576Larkin, of course, was tired because she was missing her nap…AND she was sick.  However, I have to say that she hasn’t been sick since this illness several weeks ago.  PRAISE THE LORD!IMG_7581IMG_7584IMG_7585IMG_7590Our Family.IMG_7599This is Mamaw, Campbell, and Aunt Evelyn.IMG_7602Aunt DeannaIMG_7603IMG_7607IMG_7608Trigger absolutely loves playing with Josiah.  I think they both have that first born personality through and through! :)IMG_7611Aunt Chelse and LarkinIMG_7616And, I will leave you with this sweet smile!IMG_7622

Sorry that was brief.  ONCE AGAIN, trying to play catch up.

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Last Soccer Game

I have to say that my excitement for soccer kind of fizzled out somewhere after the 3rd game.  Ha!  It’s just that it was every Saturday at 11.  I kind of like Saturday being the one day that I don’t have to get up and get everyone somewhere.  I know that sounds stupid to most of you since you are hauling your kids from here to arcadia to monroe back to ruston and then back to monroe again for practices and birthday parties…but, I am not there yet and I kind of like my position of not being there.  Soccer was fun but with all of the illness that we have had in this household and the number breathing treatments that I have given since july, I NEED my saturdays!  So, we are done.  He had his last game and we won’t have anything else until after January….oh wait!  Except for Thanksgiving and Christmas and New Years celebrations…and Larkins birthday…and baby dedication.  Ah…nevermind.

Okay…back to Trigger’s last soccer game.  I had another child sick and it was chilly and pretty windy so I had to stay in the car with Campbell and Larkin.  We watched the game from the warm car!  I tried to get some good pictures with my long lens but I don’t think I succeeded.  Oh let me state that we MADE OUR CHILD WEAR A HAT to keep his ears warm.  He had just gotten over a cold and ear infections…I am not sure if that is an old wives tale or not but I wasn’t risking it! 

IMG_7512Campbell…this is his sad face.  I am not sure what he is sad about…he always gets what he wants because…well, look at that face! LOVE HIM!IMG_7523Obviously, he was over the soccer game excitement too because the fingers were popped into his mouth after the first quarter!IMG_7531Miss Priss was our most sickly this day…doesn’t she look like it..NOT!IMG_7533Matt was helping coach again…this is him telling Trigger to get ready and stop playing in the grass.  DON”T YOU LOVE IT!  Again, I think he had lost the soccer excitement too…this was minute 49 of a 60 minute game. TOO LONG!  Have these people not heard of child development and attention spans.  HAHA!IMG_7537IMG_7544IMG_7549IMG_7555My Trigger man stopping a ball.  IMG_7558

All in all it was a great experience.  Trigger learned a lot about the game of soccer.  He learned about how to be a participant in a TEAM sport.   I think it was great for him.  We shall see if he wants to play again in the spring. 

Friday, November 2, 2012

Reid’s Party

Reid turned TWO on October 20th.  It was a circus theme and so cute!  Trigger had a soccer game that Matt was helping coach so we all went to the game for a little bit.  Then, I left with Larkin and Campbell and headed to the party.  It was at my parents and Campbell had a great time!  IMG_7476IMG_7485This is my brother, Seth, Vanna, Reid, and Jake.IMG_7491Look at this adorable cake!  I love it!IMG_7492And look at that precious face…IMG_7493IMG_7495IMG_7503

I wish I had gotten some pictures of Trigger…they came right after the game was over but somehow I missed getting pictures of him…and I didn’t get a single one of larkin either…probably because she was on my hip the whole time!  Ha!