Wednesday, October 24, 2012


On September 29th, my youngest brother, Lance, got married.  It was a very busy weekend.  On Friday, Matt’s mom came and got the boys.  Larkin and I went to the wedding site and “helped” decorate.  We rushed home to get the boys by 1.  Everyone took naps.  I got ready for the rehearsal dinner.  Matt came home and picked up Trigger.  Matt was a groomsmen and Trigger was the ring bearer.  They went to the rehearsal in West Monroe.  I stayed and fed Larkin and put her down.  Matt’s mom came to put Campbell down and stay with the little ones while they slept.  I left and went to the rehearsal dinner at Squire creek.  The pictures below are all from Friday/Rehearsal.  Trigger was so excited to spend some time with just Momma and Daddy.  He was “special” for a night.  He did get pretty tired towards the end and asked to go home and get in bed!  Ha!IMG_6811IMG_6815IMG_6820Seth and Vanna were at our table.IMG_6821IMG_6822IMG_6823IMG_6824Trigger got to open his ring bearer gift.  He got a watch and a wallet…he was beyond excited!!!!IMG_6826IMG_6832Me and Lance.  IMG_6837

I will have to post more on the wedding later.  I don’t really have many pictures.  It did rain pretty much the entire day and it was an outside wedding.  They did have tents though so that was good.  I can’t believe that Lance is married…I still see him as a little boy!

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