Thursday, June 28, 2012


We had a pretty busy couple of weeks…we had my birthday, trip to tyler zoo, Campbell’s birthday, swimming lessons, Campbell’s party, VBS week, and a trip to the beach all within 2.5 weeks.  My house is a disaster zone still…and I have NOT recovered at all.   I am so exhausted from the go-go-go and thankful for a week with a little less planned. 

For VBS, I was in charge of the prek crafts again.  We had 3s, 4s, and two classes of 5s.  I love crafts but for some reason…I have no idea why (HA)…I just couldn’t get it together this year.  The other adults in crafts will probably NEVER help with crafts again.  I will really try harder to be more prepared next year.  It was just REALLY hard to get it all together with all that we have had going on here lately.  Not an excuse but just the truth.  AND, I had to end up leaving almost every day at some point to go down the hall to feed Larkin so that wasn’t good.  Next year will be better. 

Trigger had such a good time…he was so excited to go to church every day.   He said his favorite part was coming to crafts with me!  ;)  LOVE HIM!

Here are a few pictures of our week!

We took each child’s picture with their aviator goggles on (in case you were wondering what the next picture was all about)

IMG_4399IMG_4423Breakfast one morning before VBS…Campbell was rolling laughing at something Trigger was doing.  I LOVE when they play together and laugh together!IMG_4482My sweet boys!  It was a good week…I won’t lie and say it was easy getting up and being somewhere, dressed and with makeup on and with kids dressed, every day.  IT WAS HARD!  Isn’t that sad?!?  BUT, it’s the truth.  Getting three dressed and fed (one that is nursing) PLUS getting myself ready…whew.  IT was just a taste of what it will be like this school year!IMG_4487

I’m so thankful for our church and for VBS and all the other wonderful things they provide for our children to learn and grow in their walk with Christ! 

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