Matt came home early from work to pack his things. He asked me if we could go do something special…just the four of us. We made sure the boys were packed up and we took their suitcases to my parents. Then, we went to eat at Log Cabin. It was more for the memories than anything else because none of us felt like eating!
It was rather funny because the boys got along better that night than we have ever seen them get along! Trigger was helping Campbell and hugging on him.
Oh I forgot to tell about Trigger after his nap…Matt and I went in to get Trigger up from his nap and I told him that he was going to get to meet Larkin tomorrow. It was THE most precious thing. I was so sad that I didn’t video his reaction…he was downright GIDDY! He let out a giggle..he flipped and flopped on the bed. He was beyond excited!!! He had been praying for this sweet baby for a LONG, LONG time!!!!!
After we got home from supper, we started our normal bathtime/bedtime routine. I did take a few pictures first though!
Campbell wasn’t happy with Trigger because he wanted that phone…I just thought it was a funny picture!
AND, here is Miss Larkin’s room. I took these the night before we went in to have her…it wasn’t done then…and it’s still not finished now! We used the same furniture that both of the boys used. However, we got some crystal knobs from Lauren Roebuck for the armoire and dresser. I think it makes the furniture look a little more girly!
Oh how I LOVE her chandelier!!!! I’m not sure why there is green in the picture..there aren’t green crystals on it.
And, of course, she had to have a door sign just like her brothers…but a little more girly!
After we got the boys in bed…which was very, very sad to me to have to put Campbell in his bed for the last time. There has seriously only been a handful of times when I haven’t put him in bed…he is my little punkin eater and we have a very special little bond. In fact, I am soooooo ready to be able to rock him and put him down that it is killing me!!!!!!!
Anyway, after we got the boys in bed, I finished gathering things for our big day. I took a bath because I knew that wouldn’t happen for awhile! And, I went to bed. However, I didn’t sleep very much at all. I was so worried about Larkin and what she would be like…if her lungs would be okay…AND, I had contractions…painful ones…all night long! AND, I had back labor. I remember looking at the clock around 1am thinking “should I wake matt and go on to the hospital tonight” but I didn’t…I just cat napped and made it until the morning.
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