I had already had the thought a few days/weeks before Campbell was born that it sure would be pretty ridiculous if Campbell (at 38 weeks) had to go to the NICU…WELL GUESS WHAT?!?! Since I had a C-Section, Campbell’s lungs didn’t have the chance to squeeze out all of the fluid. So when he was born, he had fluid on his lungs…Campbell was having trouble breathing, breathing fast, and making grunting sounds. They took him to the NICU to start him on antibiotics and iv fluids. My sweet, FULL TERM baby had more wires and tubes coming out of him than our preemie Trigger had.
LOOK AT ALL THAT HAIR…and it’s dark! The orangish looking tube is a feeding tube…that really bothered me. The other tube is the cannula (how he got the oxygen).
It’s probably a good thing that I was a little doped up on drugs and that first day is pretty fuzzy. If I had been fully there, I would have been pretty upset. I can’t really remember but either Michelle or Matt told me that Campbell had been taken to the NICU and I can remember not really being worried…maybe because we had been down this NICU road before OR maybe it was the drugs. Who knows?! A nurse practitioner came in to talk to us at some point and gave us an update on Campbell. They had to test my placenta to see if there was an infection…we got that back the Monday after very and there wasn’t an infection. They did numerous x-rays on him and it was determined that the fluid was because of the c-section and NOT because of immaturity of the lungs which is a VERY good thing. She told me that Michelle would help me get up and let me go into the NICU to see him later that evening. I was so relieved because it had been several hours and i had only gotten a brief (few seconds) glance at my baby and had not gotten to touch him at all. Then, the pediatrician (Dr. McCormick) came in Thursday afternoon. She told me that I could go in to see him as soon as Michelle said I was ready…my parents, matt’s parents, and Matt had all been in to see him…it was KILLING me that I was stuck in that hospital bed and my baby was across the hall. The doctor also told me that I did not need to hold him because he was getting agitated easily and that wasn’t good for his lungs. I was very disappointed.
When it was time for me to go visit, Michelle came and got me in the wheelchair…NOT EASY. And let me just say that they usually do NOT let c-section patients out of the bed for 24 hours so I was very thankful that I got to get out of the bed early.
Here is a picture of me touching Campbell for the first time.
When we got over to the NICU, Lisa (our sweet NICU nurse) told me that she was going to let me hold him…YAY!!!!! I was sooo excited!
My brother (Seth) and my sister in law (Vanna) and Liz were there (outside the window) while I was holding Campbell. Seth and Vanna are expecting their first (a boy) in October.
At some point on Thursday, Trigger was visiting and got to open his
I’m sorry I’m turning your world upside down big brother gift from Campbell…I had fun buying things for Trigger: rubber boots, his own set of keys (blank keys), matchbox cars/trucks, doodle pad/crayon holder, paint with water books,
And as soon as he saw his boots, he started pulling off his tennis shoes as fast as he could!
And just some cute pictures of Trigger.
Playing with his new cars/trucks.
Liz made the comment that about 70% of the pictures taken during “Campbell’s delivery” were of TRIGGER…so true. He’s already trying to steal the show. I’m not surprised though! I still have more pictures to blog from our hospital stay. My time seems to be a little more slim these days…haha! And the time I do have, I have been too tired. Hopefully, I can get the other ones posted soon! :)
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