On Good Friday, we went to Temple’s annual Easter Egg Hunt. Trigger had so much fun…I’m pretty sure he ran around the Neal’s property 5-10 times…maybe more. If you saw him, you would’ve thought he NEVER gets outside. However, if you follow our blog, you KNOW that’s not true. He is outside every afternoon. Anyway, he was a WILD man.
WARNING: There are alot of pictures!!!!
Thank goodness that Matt took his lunch to come chase him around the property…because I am not sure I could’ve handled it!
They had games, play equipment, and jumpies for the children to play on. He immediately headed to the “ball”! Oh and I love what he has on but it was NOT what I had planned for him to wear. I had a cute Easter jon-jon that I had bought for him to wear…it was a little windy when I went outside that morning so I opted for his searsucker pants. He looked adorable but too old for me…I still like him in jon-jons and smocked outfits!
Below: This is a picture of a very cute future couple! Look at their blonde hair and fair skin! Aren’t they precious? BTW, this is Addison Bankston.
Addison was not feeling the vibe from Trigger though…which is just what he deserves after all the times he has snubbed girls! This is Trigger trying to give Addison a hug.
And…apparently he was getting too close for comfort!
And so he tried to make another move…by kissing her. Notice how Laura and I were having to hold their hands back…
Me and my precious little boy! Notice that he is pointing like, “let me go..i want to go over there…”
Checking out the tractor…Trigger is a little obsessed with tractors.
Trigger sliding
The actual egg hunt! READY, SET, GO
Check out his “basket”. I painted it for Trigger. I love how it turned out with the baseball bat handle and baseballs in the grass…LOVE IT! I bought the baby this Easter can too so I can paint him one.
And our attempt at a cousin photo…kind of difficult with three little ones not to mention three sets of VERY sensitive eyes and the sun was shining on them.
Annnddd…what might my child be doing with his shoe???
And an attempt at a picture in front of the flowers…again it was too bright for those blue eyes!
Our little family
A little family update. Trigger is SICK and has been running fever since we picked him up from the nursery at church yesterday. He didn’t have a great night on Saturday night…cried and stirred alot throughout the night. However, he does that when he gets in bed late and he went to bed really late Saturday night. Sooo…he was cranky Sunday morning. We checked his temp before heading to church and it was perfectly normal so OFF WE WENT. We left out of the service a little early so we could get to Arcadia for Easter lunch. However, when we picked him up, he was BURNING UP…we went home and he had 102.2 temp…UH OH!!! Sooo, I loaded him up on tylenol and motrin…he took a 3.5 hour nap. This morning, I took him to the dr. and he just has a sinus infection and MAYBE a viral infection…we got our antibiotic filled and have been watching the clock for our next dose of tylenol/motrin. Sooo…I hope my little man gets better soon!!! I have a dr. appt in the morning. I will be 30 weeks on Thursday and things are starting to fall into place. The baby’s room is coming together…we did get the crib…AND got our credit from Rock-a-bye baby! The crib, chair, armoire, and twin bed are in place. I’ve just got to finish the red dresser for T’s room and then move the baby’s dresser into his room. Matt even bought a package of preemie, newborn, and size one diapers tonight just so we would feel prepared! I sure hope the baby doesn’t come soon but I’m feeling better about his arrival.
The next week and a half are going to be LONG…AND I so can’t wait for April 15th…for Matt’s sake! He so needs a break! He will still have to work some evenings and maybe even some Saturdays but it should be a ALOT better than it is right now!
Okay..so I hear Trigger stirring and coughing so I better get ready to go “rock, rock”!
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