I sure hope he likes art as he gets older!!! Speaking of...my fb friends have already heard this but I will tell it for those of you that aren't my fb friends AND so I will remember! Life with Trigger is fast and interesting...he keeps you on your toes and you can NOT turn your back on him for even a second...LITERALLY!!!! So...when I pick him up from Liz, I usually get a run down on what he's done during the day. The conversation usually starts with "He had to do a little corner time" or "He didn't have to do corner time today"...sooo...that right there should tell you what we are dealing with. Well...Im just going to tell you about Thursday and Friday.
Thursday: Liz tells me that he had to do a little corner time. While laughing, I ask, "for what?" So she starts by telling me that she took him outside to play because its a beautiful day. Of course when it was time to go inside for lunch, he threw a royal fit. Liz gave in and let him eat out in their courtyard area. It's right by the pool (no, this doesn't involve him falling...which I am sure will happen soon enough) but it's all fenced in so that he can't reach the pool. Liz was letting him run around and he would come get a bite every few seconds. He then noticed a miniature bird bath that Liz had in her flower bed. He starting playing in it and touching the water. Liz told him NO several times...getting louder each time. OF COURSE, he didn't listen...or actually, he did listen but chose not to obey because he looked right at her and splashed the water as hard as he could. Liz popped him on his bottom and told him to find a corner. And he knows how to find a corner...she counted to 30 (I count to 60...but she's a grandmother..so 30 is it for her). She said when she got to 30, he turned around and went about his business without her telling him he could come out or anything...I mean, can he really have heard it that much to know that 30 or 60 is it and you can go play. So that was the corner time for that day. After she finished that story, she said, "oh and I have some pictures to show you." I go over to her computer and see my child with a red stripe of paint on his face. She began to tell yet another story about my precious child. They have been doing some remodeling at their house. The painter had put his paintbrush in the half bath before he left. Liz was writing a check and talking to the painter when she realized that Trigger was quiet. GUESS WHAT HE WAS DOING? Yep, he had the paintbrush and painted the cabinents, his hands, and his face.
FRIDAY: Liz said that Trigger did not have to do any corner time...not sure how he managed that...guess he used those dimples! Liz sat him down in the playroom (this is one of the rooms that was just repainted-walls and doors and recarpeted). She gave him some crayons because his speech therapist said he needed to be coloring more. She talked to Trigger about how we only color on paper....haha. She turned her back for a SECOND (remember how I said you can't do that with him) and he colored all over the FRESHLY painted walls and door. Sorry, Izzy! And, somehow on this day, he locked himself in the bathroom with no light on. Do you think he was scared or even made a peep? NOPE...Liz opened the door and he was just standing there. And that, folks, are just TWO days with Trigger...and those are just the highlights! We are just hoping and praying that he doesn't get kicked out of his grandparents' houses....wouldn't that be so SAD!?!?!
Tell Trigger that his drawing on his "etch-a-sketch" is beautiful. As for painting and coloring things he shouldn't...you better get that under control before he comes to pre-k! It will HURT me to put him on red. :)
it won't hurt me! :) because I already know it will happen...i just hope it doesn't happen the first week!
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