oh..and a few from Jennifer and Mrs. Marcia's Birthday party...however, the pictures are of Trigger opening his birthday presents from the Johnson's (they will be out of town for Trigger's party).
Below: I had to take a picture of Trigger on his birthday FIRST THING IN THE MORNING...some would call that cruel...I just call it being obsessed with photos!!!
Opening a present from Abby and Sydney...it was a cute shark beach towel. Abby modeled it for us.
This was so precious. The night of Trigger's birthday, we all got ready to go out to eat. Abby, Sydney, and Trigger all matched (of course I didn't get a picture of all three...but they were SOOOO cute). While the adults were getting ready, Sydney and Trigger started feeding each other cheerios...it was so sweet.
We got back from the restaurant so late and Trigger was SOOO tired. I had made cupcakes to celebrate but debated on whether to go ahead with letting him eat a cupcake an hour past his bedtime...I put him in his pjs and then decided to go ahead with this cupcake eating. AND, he had on an UGLY bib for the occasion..OH WELL!
The birthday hat that he does NOT like was from Mrs. Veatch (Chasten).
Love this picture...Sydney was "helping" Matt video Trigger eating his cupcake.
Because of the late night, we let Trigger open his presents (the two that we brought with us) the next morning. He kept getting distracted...I have NO idea where he gets that from!!!! Haha!!
check out that look on the first one...i'm sure I will see that look alot over the years!
The pattern went like this. 1. take forever opening a gift. 2. daddy takes the toy away to open it. 3. i (trigger) cry. 4. daddy finally give it back. 5. im happy.
And LAST but NOT least...cake eating pictures. I had an appointment with a photographer and our session got cancelled at last minute. I had already made a cake to take for his pictures. Soooo, I decided to take my own photos...and I think I got some good shots. Here are a few of the 328 that I took! Trigger really doesn't like the cake but he did play in it...wasn't real happy about getting his hands nasty but we made him anyway.
Whew...okay, I'm finished...that was TOO many pictures to upload and took forever. I'm not sure how good I will be about blogging. School starts for us next Wednesday. Hopefully, I can upload birthday party pictures before we go back! Pray for me as I go back to school...going to be difficult to leave Trigger everyday after a summer of spending every minute with him. He is sooo fun but he can be very challenging. Mrs. Veatch and my parents have just recently gotten to see his FITS that he throws....wow...didn't know that the fit throwing started this early! Even with the fit throwing, I LOVE spending every minute with our little miracle that we prayed so hard for!!!!!
I know Trigger didn't like his hat but he sure looked cute in it!
My heart is breaking that you are having to go back to school. I know that God will give you the strength and the times that you spend with Trigger will be filled with great joy! He is such a cutie! Can't wait to see party pictures.
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