Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Fall Fest- Cedar Creek

This year, being my first year at Cedar Creek, I signed up to help with many things.  ONE of those things was to chair the Pre-K fall festival.  I know what you are thinking…”no big deal” .  YEAH RIGHT!  I knew what I was getting myself into AND still did it!  It was really fine…it’s sort of like having a baby, after it’s over, you forget how bad it actually was.  LOL.  In all seriousness, I will probably end up doing it for Campbell’s class unless there is someone else jumping to do it!  I love being able to stay home and do these sort of things.  My mom always chaired things at school and I loved it. 

It was sort of a crazy morning with set up.  Rebecca picked up Trigger from my car and took him through carline!  HAHA! 

IMG_6090IMG_6091IMG_6092Trigger was peter pan.IMG_6100IMG_6107This is my booth.   We hammered golf tees into pumpkins.  They LOVED it!!!!IMG_6116IMG_6123IMG_6130IMG_6134

I sure love my peter pan!!!!!  I was minnie mouse in case you cant tell! 

After the fall festival was over, I had to literally fly out of the parking lot.  A friend agreed to be in charge of clean up.  We had to leave at noon to go down south to be at my cousins wedding.  CHAOTIC!  Matts mom kept the boys…and the crazy thing is that Matt ended up having to take Campbell to the dr that morning because he woke with high fever.  It is never a dull moment. 

Monday, November 18, 2013

Fall 2013

Just a few pictures from our fall.  IMG_6055IMG_6070IMG_6081IMG_6083

Friday, November 15, 2013

Soccer- Fall 2013

This year, Trigger and Campbell BOTH got to play soccer.  I must say that I am NOT a fan of soccer.  Matt and I didn’t grow up playing it and don’t know much about it…so it’s hard to jump into something new.  The kids seem to like it okay..and it provides them with an activity/sport that requires lots of physical activity.  It’s good for them!  Campbell has been sooo looking forward to the day when he could finally play.  Of course, when the time arrived, he acted like we had hog tied him to the car to bring him to the field.  After the first couple of times, he got a little better with not whining and crying.  I must say that I was glad the season didn’t last any longer than it did!  LOL!  It was raining on the saturday that we had Campbell’s first “game” so we had to meet in the gym to play. 


There’s nothing wrong with twirling your hair while playing sports, right?!?!

