Thursday, October 6, 2011

Matthew’s Birthday

Matt’s birthday was on September 13th.  This also happened to be right after the ER visit with Trigger…but right before the stitches incident! ;)  Soooo…my poor husband did NOT get the royal birthday treatment.  Thankfully, I had already bought his birthday present (new Polos) a few weeks before AND I had bought his cards ahead of time too.  SO glad because we did not go anywhere besides green clinic or NLMC that week! 

Don’t you love the Cars gift bag…..that was one thing that I had NOT purchased ahead of time.  oops!  Also, please note our lovely nebulizer in the background.  So glad we aren’t doing those right now!


The boys’ card to their daddy.IMG_1271AND, Matt’s first Daddy/daughter card from baby girl.IMG_1272IMG_1273

So, even though there was NO special meal…no special dessert…it was a good day…or at least I think he thought so!

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