Saturday, November 1, 2008

First Outings and HALLOWEEN!!!!!!

We went to see Dr. Slusher on Wednesday for a 3 month check-up.
Trigger weighs 12lbs 10oz. WOW!! My baby is getting sooo big. We got a good report. In fact, she did not even hear the heart murmur this time. But, she said for us to not be surprised if she hears it next time. Dr. Slusher gave us the green light to go in public but told us to still be very careful. We aren't suppose to have him near sick people and she said to keep everyone from touching his face and hands (esp. children)! So...Friday I had an inservice and there were no children at school. On my lunch break, I went to pick up Trigger and took him to school to visit his future teachers and Mrs. Charczenko (our elementary coordinator). And, he sat through his first faculty meeting. He was a little angel! Then, when we left school, we went to visit Daddy at work. This Sunday we will take him to Sunday school with us...WOW...we are starting to feel like a normal family again. It's nice to not be so restricted anymore. However, it does worry me that he's going to get sick...I guess he has to get sick sometime.
HALLOWEEN...Matt and I took Trigger to Arcadia to finally meet his cousins (Chelsea, Corbin, and Anna Grace) and to see Aunt Jennifer, Uncle Clay, Grammy and Papaw. They had only seen him through a window. They were very excited because they have waited a long time to meet this little guy!! Afterwards, we headed to Ruston to see my parents. Trigger got to see Izzy (that's Liz...she used to be Grammy (and still will be to Abby) but Trigger didn't need two Grammys) and Poppy AND Uncle Lance. We would have loved to have had the time to visit Aunt Vanna, Uncle Seth, Aunt Karen, Uncle Will and Sydney and Abby. But, Trigger was pushed to his limits!!! It had been an eventful day for him. As you will see in the pictures, he's dressed as a pumpkin! He was BURNING up so we had to take a few pictures and then remove the pumpkin outfit!!! I hope you enjoy the pictures!
Also, I am adding two pictures from our Fall Centers Party at school. One is of the Pre-K teachers: Mrs. Woodard (me), Miss Dance, and Mrs. Storms. The other is of me (the black cat) and Abby (Sharpay).

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