Friday, April 25, 2008

Baby Purchases!

We are trying to get ready for Trigger! I have posted some pictures of a few things that have been purchased.
My parents bought our bedding for us. I LOVE it. The bumper is backordered so I don't have a picture of it. I did take a picture of the quilt, pillow, sheet, and crib skirt.

This is a picture of an outfit that Matt HAD to have...Polo outfit.

This is one of my favorite outfits that I have bought. If you know our family, you know that baseball is something everyone MUST love (or at least tolerate)!!!

My parents came over Thursday night before our family supper to see the bedding and some of the outfits I had bought. They brought over a gift...Trigger's FIRST Astros outfit and an Astros bear. The Hoods (and Woodards) LOVE the Astros!!!
Another two items that are hanging in his closet are some of my jeans from when I was little (which are creek ready...that's what I used them for...crawling in the creek with Will) and my old overalls! Of course these two items will not be used for awhile but they are waiting in the closet.
I am sorry that I still haven't posted pictures from our ultrasound. I really don't know how to work our scanner. I will try to get Matt to work on that this week! I forgot to mention that Matt and I went to the doctor on Thursday afternoon. Dr. Harper gave us a great report. Our Antiphospholipid (Blood clotting disease) Panel came back from our last blood work and it is still positive. That is actually good. I would rather just have the disease than having it come and go. We will visit Dr. Harper again in two weeks AND he has ordered us another ultrasound for two weeks. I do not love having the blood clotting disease (or being high risk) but it sure is nice being monitored so close and having this many ultrasounds.
By the way.... 22 school days left! It is rather bittersweet. I always love the idea of getting out for summer. Then, when it arrives, I am very bored. However, we all NEED a break including the children. We are all tired!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

LOVE the bedding! Too cute! Trigger's nursery is going to be precious! :-) So cool that you have your old "creek" jeans & overalls! Very Special!!