Thursday, September 26, 2013

Larkin Time

I have really, really enjoyed getting to just spend time with Larkin while the boys are at school.  Larkin is fun to be around..she is so sassy.  The fact that she is the baby is evident more and more everyday.  She looks so much like her daddy but she also acts a lot like her daddy….I guess it’s the baby in the family tendencies. 

Last week, I dropped Campbell off at school and then Larkin and I went to the Lincoln Parish Museum so that I could get a few pictures of her. 

I love Larkin’s curls in these first few pictures. IMG_5829IMG_5832IMG_5835IMG_5839 copyI love this one below.  I hate that there is a bruise on her face..she fell into a drawer. :(IMG_5868IMG_5869IMG_5892IMG_5926IMG_5932 copyIMG_5946 copyIMG_5948 copy

I love doing fun stuff with my little girl!

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Mr. Peculiar

I’m telling  you…most people think that my middle child is this quiet, shy little guy.  AND, he is quiet and shy around other people.  At home, this child comes alive.  He is LOUD….he is opinionated!  and he is quite ornery.  HOWEVER, when he is in a good mood, he SHINES!  and he can be really funny!!!!  IMG_5705And, he has beautiful eyes!IMG_5710 copyIMG_5716IMG_5717IMG_5718IMG_5719IMG_5722

Yep…that about covers it…that’s my little campbell in a nutshell.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

A little MJ update

Not that you care but I wanted to give you a little matilda jane update.  First let me say that I am slightly obsessed.  Like, it’s unhealthy how much I love these clothes.  If we go somewhere, I dress Larkin in Matilda Jane.  I probably should just sell all of her other clothing because she doesn’t get any wear out of anything else. 

Anyway, I am having another trunk show in a couple of weeks.  It will be at my house on Saturday, October 5, 2013 from 4-6pm.  This company has a collection in the spring and in the fall.  Both collections are split into three releases.  Basically, they take the collection and divide into three groups and release them a month apart.  So, for fall, they release them on August 1st, Sept 3, and Oct. 1st.  I can’t tell you how cute these clothes are…and the quality is amazing…okay…so I will quit my carrying on.  I have been taking some pictures of Larkin in her MJ outfits.  Here are a few of my favorites so far.  IMG_5579IMG_5594IMG_5615IMG_5625IMG_5633IMG_5642IMG_5666IMG_5678IMG_5686IMG_5697IMG_5699


I truly think I have two people who read this…and im not just saying that…I really think there might be just two.  my family doesn’t even read my blog.  HA!  Anyway, for those TWO of you, I would love for you to come to my house on the 5th to see these adorable clothes. 

Campbell’s First Day of School

My baby boy started school a couple weeks after Trigger.  He went to mother’s day out last year at Trinity.  This year, Campbell is attending Trinity’s 3 year old Preschool program.  Trigger went to 3 and 4 year old preschool at Trinity and we could not have been more pleased with their curriculum.  It really was a perfect stepping stone to Cedar Creek Pre-K.  I feel certain that Campbell’s experience will be wonderful too.  Since I had made the poster for Trigger, I had to make one for Campbell.  I LOVE that he wants to be a baseball player when he grows up.  IMG_5538BY the way, this child may act all shy and quiet, he is actually pretty loud and very comical at home….as you can tell from the facial expressions. IMG_5540IMG_5543IMG_5545IMG_5551Larkin thought she wanted to be in the pictures..but quickly changed her mind.IMG_5555Of course we had to take a picture by the sign.IMG_5558As soon as we got to school that day, Miss Priss hopped down and plopped herself down in a chair and started coloring. REALLY?!?!  Maybe I should’ve signed her up for MDO.  Ha!IMG_5560My little boy in his classroom.  IMG_5562I just love their classrooms…they look like something out of a catalog.  Dramatic play even has a table that is set with plates, cups, and forks/spoons.  It’s just filled with perfect little centers.  AND, not that this has anything about learning….because it doesn’t, I love all the exposed brick.  IMG_5563

We are looking forward to another awesome year at Trinity!!!

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Our Saturday

about a month ago, we took the kids to monroe.  I don’t remember why we did that now.  anyway, we hopped in the car and ran over to monroe early.  We took the kids to eat at IHOP which was YUMMY!  Then, we went to Target.  For some reason, Matt told the kids they could pick a toy.  They never ends well.  Campbell is our decisive one and picks his toy in seconds.  Trigger, on the other hand, takes literally FOREVER to chose a toy.  He will pick something and we will start walking away and he loses it.  REPEAT.  REPEAT!! REPEAT!!!!!  So, after long debates over which was the best toy, Trigger AND Campbell both chose Ninja turtle swords which was a grand idea until someone agreed to open them to play with them on the way home.  ;)IMG_4153I got larkin out of the buggy to let her pick a toy.  I was showing her different things.  I turned for a second to say something to matt and turned  back around to see this.  Miss priss had filled the buggy with things that she wanted!  HA!IMG_4156Larkin got a crown and some bracelets and a necklace! IMG_4157While the kids slept, I cleaned out the closet in our laundry room….which holds all of my craft junk.  It’s still not organized the way I would like but at least it’s a little better.  I feel like I haven’t ever had a chance to get things the way I wanted them.  We moved into our addition just weeks before Larkin was born and it  has been a whirlwind ever since.   Maybe when everyone is in school, I can start going through and organizing.IMG_4158Speaking of organizing.  I was sick and tired of the school piles that happened every school year.  I decided to put an end to it.  this file box stays on my counter in our laundry room.  We empty folders in the afternoon and immediately file away artwork/school papers/notes from the teacher/calendars/newsletters.  It is working great so far!IMG_4160