Saturday, May 4, 2013

Larkin- 15 months

Larkin was 15 months on April 6th but it was sort of chaotic so in just now posting this.
Lets start with stats.
Weight: 20lbs 11oz. (but after we took care of some constipation issues I'm pretty sure it was alot less than that. ;))
Length: 29.5 inches
Head circumference: 46 cm

Physical: Once you started walking at about 13 months, you have never stopped! You are always on the go. As I've said before on here, you LOVE to climb. You are definitely our best climber. Good thing you are short...those short legs keep you out of some trouble! Your newest discovery is learning how to get on the couch. This wouldn't be a problem except that you think it's grand to walk up and down it. Hang over the side of it. You know, if its dangerous, you are going to be all over it! Here you are on the first night you figured out how to climb on the did it over and over!

We went to dr Neal on April 8th. Because you have had so many ear infections, he and dr Slusher want you on a daily prophylactic antibiotic. You also are still on pulmacort breathing treatments daily. The plan is to be on the antibiotic for 2 months. Then we will take you off for the summer months and start back sometime in September. We will try to stop the breathing treatments at the end of July and you'll start those back up probably at the end of September. That's the plan if you don't show major signs of sickness. The big news is that dr Neal gave us the approval to go back to church nursery as long as there wasnt a pattern of sickness. I almost jumped up and hugged dr Neal. I was so happy!!!
This picture was taken the day before we got that happy news...we had gone to church but i kept her with me.

While we were there, Larkin decided to kiss on Charlie Williams some!!!

Sorry. Had to throw this one in. ;)

We just got word today from dr Slusher that your iGa levels have gone up some. That is such great news. Dr Slusher said that if she kept on this path, we might be in the normal range by 4-5 years old. That sounds like a long time but its better than a lifetime which is what they feared.

Since we got the ok, we all five headed to Wednesday night church. I took Larkin to the nursery for the first time in forever. The last time she went, she was probably when she was 6 months old. Maybe! When I put her down in the room, ushe was frozen. I got this picture from mrs Lauren while I was in prayer meeting.

The next couple of pictures are at your 15 month appointment. You were quite devastated by the shots. DRAMA!

You have tried several new things... Pudding

Holding a banana. You actually ate several bites which is shocking bc i can't you to eat fruits usually.

...and a sonic corndog. You loved this. I only let you eat a little and then took it away. I might as well have chopped you hand off.

You are into everything. In fact, I'd say that you create the most mess around here.

You have become in love with hats. The boys hats. I think I might need to get you a pink monogrammed cap.

I am so thankful that it finally warm and we are starting to get lots of use out of our summer wardrobe. Which is quite embarrassing. This is my favorite age to dress!

You have gone on several lunches with mommy and daddy lately. You love to get your own cup at a restaurant.

Annnnd, you still love your thumb.

I had forgotten that I typed this post...about a month ago because you are almost 16 months. - Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone