Wednesday, August 31, 2011

So many pictures, so little time...

Wow. It has been a chaotic, exciting, scary, I'm-sure-other-words last week/week and half. I'll share part now and share part later.
Let's start with the Saturday before last (the 20th). It was the best! We did nothing...well, by nothing, I mean that we had no where to be. I had matt get all of the boys clothes out of the attic. It's about 15 big tubs. I wanted to go back through them. Try to reorganize. AND, I was thinking that if we found out we were having a little girl, I was getting rid of all those baby boy clothes. :(
Then, we went to eat lunch at Chilis.

On Sunday, we (the boys and I) went to squire creek to eat lunch with my family. Isn't this picture of sydney and trigger just adorable.

Campbell was exhausted from the excitement of the morning and passed out on the way home from eating.

Monday morning- trigger had occupational therapy. That has become an ordeal bc he hates it. His therapist is great. Shes so much fun but firm!!! However, he cried the first 50 minutes (of 60 min). After crying...not just crying but screaming... so long, he had what dr slusher told us to call an "episode". Eyes fixed into space, complete silence (after screaming at volume ten), and tongue curled. Very strange. It lasted about 8-10 seconds and then he started wailing again and was exhausted. You probably can't tell from the picture but he had weird spots on his face that afternoon...I guess from crying so much.

We had to go to dr Slusher (per the therapist recommendation) on Thursday to see what the "episode" could be.
Okay. Let's back up. I'm getting ahead of myself...
Monday afternoon-trigger had his first speech therapy session. He has started back for articulation on words and for expression. He seemed to like Miss Amanda. However, he was still exhausted from his episode.

Tuesday- Liz, Campbell, trigger, and I headed to Shreveport. Because trigger was a preemie, he had to go for eye check ups. He was suppose to go for one at 2 years and I completely forgot...hmmm. Maybe bc
I had a newborn at home! ;) anyway, we are just now going. I didn't have any concerns but matt has horrible vision so we went just to make sure. It took forever!!!!

Trigger watched tv, played, and chewed alot of gum...we've found that it seems to help him stay a little calmer. ;) he, of course, got his eyes dilated. They use a spray and tell them to close their eyes. He did really good.

When they initially tested him, he failed with his right eye. The dr thought he would be leaving with glasses. However, they retested and he did great. Who knows!
Tuesday night- we prepared for
Our big ultrasound. I had my family guess what we were going to have...these were the guesses
Girl- liz, daddy, Deanna, Vanna, Chelse
Boy- Seth, lance, Karen/Sydney
I can't remember the other votes. My sister requested a picture of my belly before she guessed. I did not comply bc I was already in bed and didn't want to get up. I did send her one the next day. And, Check out who is on my hip. Yep, that little attachment that we call Campbell!

And the results from the ultrasound.....

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Sunday, August 21, 2011

Johnnys reward

Last Thursday, trigger had his speech evaluation. I had promised him that we would go eat if he listened and did what miss Amanda asked. He did pretty good as he can do. He just can't sit still for long at all.
He did qualify for speech so we will start therapy tomorrow afternoon.
Matt already had plans to go eat with some friends so I took the boys to johnnys. It was the first time I had taken both of them o eat by myself. I know most of you think that's crazy but trigger is a major flight risk and constantly needs attention or To go to the bathroom...then, little Campbell isn't always the most cooperative and would like some attention so it usually requires both me and matt. I was definitely feeling brave! I had a big talk with trigger before we went in. And, BOTH boys did great. They sat, ate pizza, and had a good time!!!

We may try eating out by ourselves again soon!!!

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When children misbehave around here,

We put them in a box!

Haha! Just kidding! We were doing some cleaning in campbells closet bc he's going to be moving out of his room in a few weeks. We had boxes laying around and you know boys and boxes are like magnets!
Btw, you will notice that t has this outfit on just about every other day...i just bought it for him and he LOVES it. So I wash, he wears, I wash, he wears!
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My little monkeys

You really never know what is going to happen around here.
Trigger got quiet the other day. I went to find him and this is what he was doing. He had removed the Moses basket from the stand and was inside with his alligator.

I was obviously doing laundry. Campbell found these baskets that I had taken out of my pantry. He loves them. He pulls them into the den and sits in them. It can't be comfortable. You see his cup...sippy cup...he still can't drink out of one. He MUST learn bc I'm tired of milk being spilled all over my car.

Sharing a chocolate "muffin" (cupcake)...with NO icing...I'm a mean momma! ;)

Painting with trigger. I love doing fun things with him while campbell is napping.

This little boy climbs everywhere. You have to keep your eye on him!

And when he gets caught or is being teased....

Me and t having fun with the new iPhone camera!

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Saturday, August 20, 2011

One child=productive momma

Matts mom usually comes to get trigger on Friday mornings. They like to spend some time with him and it gives me a little break to get some things done. Well, this past Friday, I realized just how much more productive I am with one child as opposed to two children. It scares me a tad bc I can only imagine how much more my productiveness will decrease when I go from two to THREE. Trigger's room doesn't have toys in stay in the playroom. But, his room usually stays pretty messy bc trigger likes to change clothes (an average of 3 times a day) and shoes (a million times a day). It drives me INSANE! His drawers are always are usually everywhere! So, I cleaned triggers room after he left for Grammys! I even sent a picture to matt bc I had gotten so much done...oh and I also finally went thru his drawers and "retired" a ton of clothes and pjs that were too small!
Here is his clean room and clean closet. Please excuse that there isnt anything hung on the wall. I never got around to it and I am Soooo glad bc now he will be moving to a new room after the addition is done and this will be the nursery! So, the walls will still be perfect since it was just painted.

Wow. Maybe I need to send one child off more often...or maybe both. Imagine what I could get done with no children for the day! Ha. I would probably sleep if that were the case!

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Fun with zizzy

A couple of weeks ago, the boys and I headed to Monroe with zizzy, Abby, and Sydney. We started out by shopping at dillards for some school shoes. I wish I could say that I took pictures of that but there was no way I could've gotten pictures. Trigger likes to shop. He was excited that he was getting to pick some shoes...he's never, ever been with me when I've bought shoes. And, after that little trip, he never will again!!! He picked flame shoes, light up shoes, all black tennis shoes, etc. I finally gave him two options and he chose one. That was NOT fun. Campbell did awesome and stayed in the stroller the whole time. Sydney didn't get any but Abby got some adorable sperrys!!!!
Afterwards, we all went to build a bear! Trigger picked an alligator right away! I was relieved bc I did NOT want a camo bear...believe me, I know that day is coming soon enough!

Trigger was still not a fan of the "dryer". He would NOT go near it. He kept saying "you dry him, momma". He has gotten better about loud sounds but he's ultra-sensitive to loud noises.

Afterwards, we ate lunch. Then, we rode the carousel several times.

Then, we had a cookie and an icee.

Even this little guy got some cookie...and snuck a few sips of triggers icee.

One more ride on the carousel. I had to remove trigger from the spinning teacup bc he looked a little green!

And I'd say he likes his alligator ("saint"). This is how he walked throughout the whole mall!

And, after a change of clothes, saint had to take a nap!

It was a fun little outing but I must say that I was exhausted afterwards.

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Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Iphone Pictures- part 1

Matt just surprised me a couple of weeks ago with a new iphone..the iphone4.  I was very excited bc my old iphone was acting up.  I synced all my pictures and saved them on my computer…it was almost 3,000 pictures.  I decided to go back and look at the pictures I had taken.  These pictures start back in March, I think.  It makes me kind of sad to look at them because both of the boys have changed so much in just a short amount of time. 

This is a picture of Trigger at supper.  I can’t remember what we were eating but I know were eating salad.  I was eating away…I looked over and Trigger had stuffed lettuce in each of his ears.  I could not help but to laugh…it was funny!

IMG_4650We love to eat at Ronin on Sundays.  These are my two manly (in pink) boys laughing at something.IMG_4709That sweet boy LOVES to cut!!!!! He cuts with his right hand…strange because he writes/colors left handed!IMG_4856I absolutely LOVE the precious days that I have with these boys…I get to spend all day with them!  Even though I want to run out the door screaming when Matt gets home, I would never, ever want my life to be any different.  These days are going by so quickly and I know in a blink of an eye, I will be sitting by myself in this house while everyone is at school or work and I’ll be lonely!  MAKES me sad.  IMG_4942I never posted about this, I don’t think.  This is when Campbell had his tubes put in.  He never really got sleepy from the medicine but he went back with Mr. Jody without fussing.  He did have a REALLY, REALLY difficult time coming off the anesthesia.  I nursed him and that seemed to help but everytime he stopped, he would scream and cry.  Poor baby.  It’s so sad when they don’t understand  and you can’t help them!!!!!IMG_5010Trigger, like the rest of the men in our family, is IN LOVE with Daddy’s old truck.  This was my first vehicle.  Seth and Lance drove it too.  It barely has any miles on it because it never really gets used now.  Zizzy decided to let Trigger drive the truck in their yard one day.  He thought it was THE greatest thing.  They just made circles and circles around my parents house.  I have to say that daddy has come a long way from when I was a child…we weren’t allowed to ride our bikes in the yard because it made white lines in the grass and he liked his straight mowing lines.  Seriously, he has come a long way!IMG_5040Me and my boysIMG_5054Trigger’s MDO teacher sent this picture to me.  Trigger didn’t sleep very often so this was a picture worthy moment. IMG_5163I had to wake Campbell up to go somewhere.  When I went in there, he was so precious with that hiney in the air and his little legs crossed.  I just love it!IMG_5220Look at that sweet face.IMG_5222IMG_5223We made a little trip to Lowes after church one Sunday.  Trigger ALWAYS wants to ride in the car buggy.IMG_5229This Is the pillow I made for our couch…I now know why pillows are so expensive.  They aren’t hard…just time consuming…and I think I was a little ambitious for my first pillow.IMG_5275Zizzy and I were in toys r us in May…She found this ride on thing that was really expensive…but, shes a grandparent and decided that the boys (and girls) needed it to have at her house.  I don’t think the girls even like it but Trigger and Campbell LOVE, LOVE it!!!!  Trigger calls it the fire jeep because it has flames on the hood.  The best part is that it has seatbelts so I let Campbell ride.  Trigger’s a pretty good driver…I say that and tomorrow he will have an accident.IMG_5302IMG_5304Still hates the carwash!IMG_5312Guess who stole my sonic shake???? You have never seen a death grip until  you have seen this boys hands on anything from sonic!  It’s okay though…I understand and feel the same way about things from sonic!IMG_5338About a day after we found out that we were pregnant, I was frantically packing to leave for the beach….the boys were at Liz’s…THANK GOODNESS.  I was headed to Walmart real quick and then to get the boys.  I reached down to get my list that had dropped…..looked up and was headed off the road (on Holliman Road…which leads to our neighborhood). I tried to slow down…finally came to a stop.  Thankfully, I did not hit one of the HUGE pine trees that are down in the ditch.  I tried to slowly drive out but I felt like I was going to flip.  I called Matt and he came to my rescue.  In the mean time, one of our neighbors (a sheriff) came up and called a wrecker.  We got it pulled out.  The sheriff said that his wife did the same thing but flipped.  He told me that I was VERY lucky that I didn’t flip and very lucky that I didn’t hit one of those huge trees.  WHEW.  I was a little shaken up!  IMG_5381