Thursday, September 30, 2010


When I am home by myself at night, I started getting Trigger to come into the bathroom to “help” me give Campbell a bath.  It’s always better to have Trigger close by rather than roaming the house by himself! :) I put the baby bathtub down in the big bathtub.  Trigger sits in the big bathtub while Campbell is in the baby bathtub.  Trigger is fully dressed and not getting his bath yet…he usually tries to splash Campbell with water…I’m sure Campbell appreciates that!  Anyway, the other night Matt was home but I decided to do the same thing to try to cut down on time….and because Trigger likes it.  Well, I ran the water in Campbell’s bathtub, left to take his clothes off in his room, came back to put Campbell in, and this is what I found…

Bathtime- Trigger and Campbell 024 Bathtime- Trigger and Campbell 027 The great part was Trigger’s reaction to his clothes being wet.  He did not like it at all…I wanted to say, “what in the world did you think would happen if you got in a tub of water with your clothes on”…oh wait a minute…I might have said that but it just went in one ear and out the other! 

I did give in and stripped him down and let him get in the tub with Campbell.  I won’t say that it was all pleasant…there was a little kicking involved!  But, it was fun to see what my future holds…LOTS of baths together.

Bathtime- Trigger and Campbell 028Bathtime- Trigger and Campbell 035


Yesterday I noticed that Campbell wasn’t acting right.  He was very fussy..spitting up more than he usually does…just something not right.  Anyway, I ended up having to do alot of carrying and rocking.  While I was trying to put Campbell down for an afternoon nap, Trigger was suppose to be playing.  However, I heard a noise in the kitchen…it sounded as if Trigger was opening and closing our refrigerator.  He’s never done that before but I was 99.9% that was what was going on.  I had my phone right next to me and had been emailing Matt back and forth.  This is the email I sent to him right after I heard the noise of the fridge opening.

Yep. T can get In fridge. Just came back here chewing and saying "whoop" with his hands on his mouth.

I asked him what he was eating and he said "gape". Awesome...unclean grapes. Not
Much I can do about It when I'm trying To put
C down. Now he's getting bottles out
Of Fridge. I'm seeing a big Clean up in my future.
Oh my. Hillarious. He just walked back here and stuck his head in the door and waved and said hey. He's def into something. he's got an Apple and he's eating away at it. Oh he's so bad but so cute. He's right here saying "mmmm...gooda".
He just left and returned with another apple. Two apples. One in each hand. Eating both.

There truly is NEVER a dull moment around here!  Oh and he did mess up a shelf on the door…now it falls off the door all the time.  GREAT!  And, today, I walked in the kitchen…I had been in the process of making homemade cinnamon rolls and had let the dough rise and put it in the fridge.  He had taken the wrapper off and gotten a huge chunk of that dough was chewing away…YUCK…makes me want to vomit thinking about it.  Seriously, when I think about it, I start gagging..seriously!

Last thing, Liz took and picked up Trigger from MDO today since Campbell was sick.  Trigger was in time out again when she got there.  He tried to run over a child with the firetruck.  WHAT…and I really do want to know…AM I GOING TO DO WITH HIM!?

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Our little conversations

I know I have been posting alot lately…I hope to continue.  I have realized lately how much I will love to have all these everyday memories written down…even though Liz assures me that NO ONE else cares (even Trigger and Campbell).  Thanks, Liz!  Haha! 

Working on Playset- Trigger dirty 013 Here is what went down yesterday afternoon…

Trigger was in the kitchen…I was pumping…I hear him going through a drawer…I decided to ignore.  Then, I hear him.

Trigger: Gaa-cin…Gaa-cin

Me: *silent* because I know that he is probably saying “Garson” but don’t want to make a big deal of it.

Trigger continues playing and then comes in the kitchen with a chip clip…I again ignore the fact that he had gotten out of a forbidden drawer because the fact was that I couldn’t do much about it during my “smoke break”…It’s not really a smoke break in that I’m not actually smoking but that’s what Matt likes to call it when I’m pumping.

Me: Trigger, what’s my name?

Trigger: (with a big grin) Gaa-cin

Me: What’s  your name?  (my attempt at not really bringing attention to the fact that he’s now going to want to call me “gaa-cin”)

Trigger: Trigga

Me: Yep, that’s right!

Trigger then shows me his find of the chip clip and I clipped it to his shirt…trying to be a fun mom and not a “no, no, no” mom. 

Trigger: I donn care…I donn care

Me: *very confused* (ignored his I don’t care)

Working on Playset- Trigger dirty 015

Sometimes I wonder if he has an imaginary friend arguing with him….Ooooo…maybe he DOES have an imaginary friend…and that friend is the one telling him to do all those wild things like swinging from the chandelier…that would explain alot!  Then again, he could just be his daddy’s son!  ;)  or at least that’s my story…and I’m sticking to it!

(Check out that bed head…he’d just gotten up from a nap.  I think he looks sooo adorable in visors.  I’m sure Matt appreciates Trigger stealing all his hats!)

Picture day #2

Last week was PICTURE week at Temple MDO.  I had Anna Grace (my niece) on Thursday morning…I thought to myself, “wouldn’t it be cute if I got Anna Grace and Trigger’s picture together…”.  HAHA…Trigger refused…OF COURSE!  He wanted nothing to do with pictures.  Here is precious Anna Grace…isn’t her dress adorable!

Bathtime- Trigger and Campbell 004 And I did snap a few pictures of Trigger but they aren’t great because he was not in the best of moods. 

Bathtime- Trigger and Campbell 005 Bathtime- Trigger and Campbell 006 Trigger has been doing good at MDO…or at least I think he has.  That one little (not sure if you can call pushing two little friends down, “little”) incident and that is all that has been reported to me.  Napping is still hit or miss but that’s okay…he’ll figure it out soon.  He’s just such a busy boy that he has a hard time settling down.


Today I had to pick Trigger up at lunch so that I could make sure he napped good.  A lady from Early Steps came out at four to evaluate Trigger on his progress.  He has been in the program for a year so they have to reevaluate to see if services are still needed.  Trigger was about therapy-ed out…he had a meltdown at MDO today during his occupational therapy.  I knew that Trigger wasn’t going to be the most cooperative…he did sit down with me and the evaluator let me ask him most of the questions.  He still didn’t do his best but that’s okay.  I was pretty impressed when she asked him his colors and he knew all of them but two…except that when she showed him a navy bowl, he said “black” and it did look black.  Then the last one she showed him was a light blue and he said “red”.  Now, I know some of your two year old children are learning letters, numerals, etc. but with these boys I know we are doing good to get them to stop for a SECOND (literally) to ask them, “hey, what color is that TRUCK?” and he will respond while running off.  Soooo, I’m hoping things come easy for him in school because it will be dang near impossible to get him to sit once he gets home! :)  Anyway, we survived the day…and tomorrow…oh tomorrow…I love Wednesdays…because I get to spend the WHOLE day with my boys HOME!  and tomorrow night Matt has something to do at Tech so we won’t be able to go to church (because I’m not attempting to get them up there and back home, bathed and in bed by myself)….Sooooo, I may or MAY NOT even put on makeup tomorrow…leaning towards the may NOT side!  AND, I just might wear pjs all day…hmmm…what a GREAT day!  I’m so looking forward to it! 

Monday, September 27, 2010


Everyone (and I do mean EVERYONE) comments about how different Campbell looks from Trigger.  And they are right…they do look different.  Trigger looks alot like Matt…but like I’ve said in the past, he reminds me of my little brother too.  Trigger definitely has Seth’s toes AND Seth’s hair (the double crown)….oh and Seth’s gorgeous blue eyes!  Campbell, on the other hand, looks exactly like my niece Sydney…which means she looks like me and my older brother, Will.  There are some similarities between Trigger and Campbell though.

Here are some pictures of our sweet little Campbell.  Liz made the comment about how Campbell was “wirery”…which just means long and skinny AND CONSTANTLY MOVING.  That’s our little Campbell.  He doesn’t have that rounded face like Trigger had…he has a long and narrow face.  Trigger just had that full, plump, chunky look.  Campbell is finally getting some rolls on those legs though. 

On the picture below, you can actually see his left dimple too.  Most people don’t catch it…they tend to see his right side dimple more but he does have dimples on both sides.  I think it’s kind of strange that both of my children have dimples and Sydney does too…and for the life of me, I can’t think of one person on my side of the family that has dimples…

Bathtime- Trigger and Campbell 007

Matt and I were just talking yesterday about how Campbell seems to smile alot more than Trigger did at this age. But, that maybe because we were in a fog and just forgot…if that’s the case, I probably won’t remember anything from Campbell’s childhood.  Haha! 

Bathtime- Trigger and Campbell 009 Campbell does still have the plugged tear duct in his left eye…that’s why you always see eye buggers in the corner! :) I’m ready for that be fixed! 

Campbell smiles with his eyes BIG time…he’s kind of a little charmer…seriously, he does do this big grin with his mouth and eyes and then does this shy kind fo wink.  This picture below does NOT do that justice…mainly because you really can’t capture that sort of thing on a still camera.  Oh and since I brought it up, Campbell is probably going to hate us…we have videoed him for maybe 20 minutes of his life…THAT’S a total of TWENTY minutes.  But, seriously now, how can I possibly video him while he’s on my hip/shoulder since that’s where he resides most of the day.  And, I really don’t want to have to throw the camera down quickly to rescue the Tornado (Trigger) from the rafters.  Haha!!!


Last Monday, I was walking from our den into our kitchen when I happened to look down and see this bug.  I bent down and confirmed that yes it was a bug…not just any ordinary bug.  This thing was weird…it was kindof like a cross between a centipede and a scorpion…YUCK…YUCK…YUCK.  I really wasn’t sure if it was alive but was kind of thinking that it was not because I was moving all around it and it didn’t move.  I walked to the kitchen and grabbed a tupperware to trap it with because I thought if it was dead, I would trap it and show our bug man.  Well, as soon as I got the tupperware on top of it, it went CRAZY…running circles around the perimeter of the container.  Soooo…what did I do?  I called my sweet hubby.  And because he’s so wonderful, he came home at lunch and rescued me from the 2 inch long bug…probably wasn’t really 2 inches but I’ve never been very good at eyeballing measurements.  Matt had never seen such a bug before either.  I did have Matt take pictures.  You can’t really tell much from the pictures but here’s one for you.

Matt and Trigger- matching 001YUCK!

Anyway, my strong, brave husband got rid of that nasty bug for me!  Then, Matt spent a few minutes with Trigger.  While they were playing, I realized that they looked so cute together because their clothes matched.

Matt and Trigger- matching 004  Matt and Trigger- matching 007 Matt and Trigger- matching 018 I’m so in love with my sweet husband.  And the way he teaches and guides our children makes me love him more and more every day.  I’m so thankful for his leadership in our family!

And aren’t these two boys looking cute together!

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Our Sunday Best

Last Sunday I had the boys matching for church.  When we got home, I had to take pictures of them.  I had visions of these great pictures in Trigger’s rocking chair.  However, Trigger refused to cooperate…I know you all find that shocking…I did!  Haha!  Then, we got him to put on a happy face and he couldn’t hold Campbell long enough to get a picture.  It would’ve helped if he would have given up the phone…but he insisted on keeping it!

Trigger and Campbell- matching outfits and Gabe and Amy 027 Notice Campbell’s little eyes in the picture below…it’s like he’s begging Matt with his eyes to take him away from his big brother!

Trigger and Campbell- matching outfits and Gabe and Amy 029 Anyway, because Trigger couldn’t hold Campbell, Matt put them in the chair in the playroom…and the chair is PINK because it was in my room when I was little…I seriously need to have it recovered but I’ve got to figure out what colors I want to use for the playroom first!  Sooooo…these pictures might’ve been good but they are sitting in a PINK chair.

Trigger and Campbell- matching outfits and Gabe and Amy 038 Trigger and Campbell- matching outfits and Gabe and Amy 046 Then, the phone reappeared and Trigger felt that Campbell needed to learn how to talk on it…poor Campbell…I’m sure he wonders why we put him through this torture!  Ha

Trigger and Campbell- matching outfits and Gabe and Amy 054 Trigger and Campbell- matching outfits and Gabe and Amy 055 Trigger and Campbell- matching outfits and Gabe and Amy 058 Trigger and Campbell- matching outfits and Gabe and Amy 059 Trigger and Campbell- matching outfits and Gabe and Amy 060 Trigger and Campbell- matching outfits and Gabe and Amy 063 Trigger and Campbell- matching outfits and Gabe and Amy 075  Trigger and Campbell- matching outfits and Gabe and Amy 083

Trigger and Campbell- matching outfits and Gabe and Amy 099

And Trigger’s reward was…a yummy oreo!

Trigger and Campbell- matching outfits and Gabe and Amy 102 Trigger and Campbell- matching outfits and Gabe and Amy 123 Trigger and Campbell- matching outfits and Gabe and Amy 149

Trigger and Campbell- matching outfits and Gabe and Amy 125

And Campbell decided to start talking…maybe he was trying to earn an oreo too!

Trigger and Campbell- matching outfits and Gabe and Amy 131 Trigger and Campbell- matching outfits and Gabe and Amy 138 Trigger and Campbell- matching outfits and Gabe and Amy 140 Trigger decided to give Campbell a kiss which was very sweet.

Trigger and Campbell- matching outfits and Gabe and Amy 147 And then Trigger was concerned because he got oreo on Campbell’s head.

Trigger and Campbell- matching outfits and Gabe and Amy 148 Campbell had his first four wheeler ride with Trigger.

Trigger and Campbell- matching outfits and Gabe and Amy 154 Trigger and Campbell- matching outfits and Gabe and Amy 155 After our photo shoot, the boys took naps.  Gabe came over to help Matt.  We are building a shop…or actually we are having one built.  The pad is ready and the building is ordered but we needed a huge limb removed from a tree before the building is built so that it won’t fall on the roof in a storm.  Gabe used a tree stand to climb up and cut it down.  I thought it was pretty cool so I took some pictures. 

Trigger and Campbell- matching outfits and Gabe and Amy 157 Trigger and Campbell- matching outfits and Gabe and Amy 158 Trigger woke up just in time to see the limb being cut down…i think  he was more excited to get on Gabe’s four wheeler though.

Trigger and Campbell- matching outfits and Gabe and Amy 159Trigger and Campbell- matching outfits and Gabe and Amy 173 Trigger loves to be outside…he has since birth!  I tried to follow him around…and caught him THROWING DIRT.  Why do boys love to throw dirt? 

Trigger and Campbell- matching outfits and Gabe and Amy 175 And play with sticks…

Trigger and Campbell- matching outfits and Gabe and Amy 176 But it’s hard to say no to this face!

Trigger and Campbell- matching outfits and Gabe and Amy 166 Trigger and Campbell- matching outfits and Gabe and Amy 171 Trigger and Campbell- matching outfits and Gabe and Amy 174 Once Gabe got down, Trigger got to sit in his FIRST deer stand.

Trigger and Campbell- matching outfits and Gabe and Amy 182 And Gabe let him ride with him on his four wheeler….yep Trigger LOVES Gabe!

Trigger and Campbell- matching outfits and Gabe and Amy 188 Then, Gabe, Amy, and Nolan came over to eat some Johnny’s pizza with us that night.  Campbell was asleep the whole time they were here but I did get some pictures of Trigger and Nolan.  Trigger LOVED Nolan and wanted to play with him so bad.  He acted like he’d never seen a baby before and wanted to be right next to Nolan…which worried us because he’s so rough.  Poor Amy moved all over the living room (as we requested…she was calm about Trigger being so ACTIVE) trying to move away from Trigger.  These pictures aren’t the greatest because I was watching Trigger…I didn’t even get a good picture of Nolan’s face…and I wish I would’ve because I LOVE his cheeks!!!

Trigger and Campbell- matching outfits and Gabe and Amy 189 Trigger and Campbell- matching outfits and Gabe and Amy 193 We ended our day with me taking a few pictures of Campbell after he finally got up from a nap.

Trigger and Campbell- matching outfits and Gabe and Amy 201 Trigger and Campbell- matching outfits and Gabe and Amy 211 Trigger and Campbell- matching outfits and Gabe and Amy 212 Trigger and Campbell- matching outfits and Gabe and Amy 213 Whew..that was a busy day!