Thursday, November 12, 2009

Visit with the Woodard

After the fall festival at church, we headed to Arcadia to Trick-or-Treat at the Woodards AND to see Trigger's cousins. Poor Trigger had a VERY long day and was VERY, VERY tired by the end of it!
Again, it was next to impossible to get four children to look (much less smile) at the camera. Here are a few attempts!

Trigger giving papaw a kiss goodbye. Soooo sweet...he kept leaning over to kiss him...over and over!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Happy Halloween

After Josiah's party, we headed to our fall festival at our church. Trigger was very, very tired and had a meltdown or two so we didn't stay long.

Trigger's friend from church (Jan and Landon Tooke's baby) were dressed just alike and they looked so cute...I think they will make great friends one day!
Me and my baby

Trigger got to see Addison (Laura Terzia Bankston's baby). I'm pretty sure she has marked him off the list of potential husbands because he had a major meltdown right in front of her...maybe he was just trying to get her attention but he's got to learn how to charm the ladies the RIGHT way! haha!

It's almost impossible to get them all looking and smiling at the camera at the same time...this is Sydney, Trigger, and Abby.

Trigger with Izzy and Poppy

Our little family

Monday, November 9, 2009

Josiah's Birthday

Josiah is my cousin, Kim's, child. He had his first birthday party on Halloween. Trigger had a good time...i think...he was a little tired and very overwhelmed with all the people. Here a few pictures from Josiah's party.

I hope Josiah, Brannon, and Trigger can all grow up playing together like Kim, Jenny, and I did!

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Little Hideout

I put Trigger's little house toy in the corner the other day to get it out of the way. He has become quite fond of his little fort that it created....he will crawl through the door...usually with his toddler Bible...and sit back in his little hideout and "read". It's really cute and I love that he loves looking at the Bible...

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Fall Fest at CC

I don't actually have pictures of us at school. But, before I left for school, I had to have a picture with my baby. This was his reaction to his momma dressed up as a cat....hmmmm...not sure if he likes me in costume!

Friday, November 6, 2009

Pumpkin Patch Visit #2

Well...a couple of weeks ago, we finally took Trigger back to the pumpkin patch to have some pictures made without his black eye. He was not the most cooperative and the lighting was awful...Here's the best that we got. (let me make myself clear...of course, i still think he looks cute in them even if they aren't the best pictures :))

Thursday, November 5, 2009


Trigger has always loved the outdoors. Even as an infant, if he was upset or crying, you could take him outside and he would calm down. NOW, it's a whole different ballgame. If I ask him, "Do you want to go outside?" He will practically mow you down to get to the door. When gets outside he's as happy as can be...he just explores and has the best time. I just have to keep him from eating leaves! :) Here are some pictures of Trigger playing outside over the last few weeks...on the days when it wasn't raining...rainy weather really puts a damper on Trigger's afternoon plans!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

It's been a bad hair day

or more like it's going to be bad hair for life. Poor Trigger has a double crown and his hair does CRAZY things. I really, really wanted him to be Charlie Brown for Halloween because he has the perfect hair for it. Here a few shots of his little alphalpha sprout on top of his head.