Sunday, October 18, 2009

Me, The little seamstress?

Im not even sure that's how you spell seamstress but I have been sewing away! I have been looking for a halloween/fall/pumpkin shirt for Trigger for awhile now. I couldn't find one I liked. Almost all the boy shirts have skeletons, skulls, or bats on them...I'm just not a fan of dark things for children at Halloween...I like celebrating Fall! So...I got this idea that I would make Trigger a pumpkin shirt....then I got the idea that I would make pants to match...THEN I got the idea that i would make a fall/leaf outfit...and of course some matching pants. So this last week, after I would put Trigger down, I got busy cutting and sewing.
Everything turned out great...of course the first pants that I made took a little longer than they should because I had to redo a few things...Being a teacher, you would think that I would be good at following directions...NOT SO MUCH! Anyway, the two outfits are done and it was EASY so I'm excited to go get some Christmas fabric to make some outfits. I was a little worried about washing the pants...i thought they might fall apart but I've washed the halloween ones and they held up GREAT
Here is some pictures I took of Trigger this weekend in his Halloween outfit.!

I love this face...he does this all the time.

Trigger had just seen his first airplane in the sky and was pointing up.

After the plane sighting, he kepting reaching up to the sky at any noise that he heard outside. Trigger is suppose to be able to identify 3 body parts and he doesn't consistently identify one. We always ask him, "Trigger, where's your nose?" Today, he pointed to his ear...yes, he's confused...i just take comfort in knowing that he probably will learn them at some point...bc I haven't had a child come to me yet in Prek and not be able to identify their nose, ears, eyes, etc. So, for some reason, after he pointed to his ear, he started pulling it and then he would was quite funny!

Happy Fall!!!!

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Sunday Morning

Last Sunday we were ready in time to go outside a take a few shots before we left. Of course this put us behind and we were just a few minutes late...imagine that!

At this moment, we are stuck at home instead of having fun at the TECH game. Trigger has had a runny nose since Tuesday night. He developed a cough yesterday (and by that I mean that he coughs about once every 30-45 minutes). And the last straw this morning, was fever of 100.3. One of Trigger's cousins has tested positive for the flu and her sister has started Tamiflu. Sooo...I thought we should get into see a dr. before it had gone too far and they wouldn't give us Tamiflu. I probably overreacted a little bit by taking him but I just hated to wait until Monday. Of course when we got there, Trigger didn't have any fever. Dr. Slusher said she didn't want to test Trigger because there have been so many false negatives...either way she would treat it them same. So we got some Tamiflu and now we are stuck at home until he's fever free for 24 hours....which will be tomorrow unless he runs some tonight. We all know I am a HUGE fan of the 24 hour we will follow it so we don't expose anyone else!
So...we are enjoying a peaceful day inside trying to get caught up on laundry. :) and do a little cleaning since Mrs. Arva was sick last week. I hope yall are having a great Saturday!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

The apple doesn't fall far from the tree....

or at least I hope NOT. I would be happy if Trigger would inherit Matt's ability to absorb knowledge easily...and his
Trigger LOVES our bedroom (esp. our night stands)....probably because there is so much STUFF in there. I walked back to our bedroom to find Trigger sitting down look at a book...and not just any book...Matt's book he's studying right now for his financial planner certification. Hmmm...maybe we have a future CPA?

I've really got to upload the pictures that I took of Trigger last Sunday but don't fell like it right now...takes too long!

Monday, October 12, 2009


I am very irritated. I made this huge long post about is taking trigger to he park and uploaded a kajillion pictures and I just checked it and the pictures were all wrong. Glad they weren't anything inappropriate. Haha. And by inappropriate I mean a picture of me doing what I do best... Being lazy. Or with no makeup on. I mean it doesn't get much wilder than that. Haha! Anyway, I'm sorry for those of you thAt checked the blogand say the mass confusion. I have been working all might on two shirts for trigger. One is a Halloween. And one is fall. They turned out cute. I'm going to work on matching pants tomorrow night. Sorry if things are misspelled. I'm posting this from my phone. Matts studying with my computer. Good night.

Sunday, October 11, 2009


When trying to decide what Trigger was going to be for Halloween, it was a tie between two different costumes. I really wanted him to be Charlie Brown because I think he would be so cute with his little bald head! BUT, that was not traditional enough. Soooo, we went with a Scarecrow costume. It seemed logical that he would be a scarecrow this year since he was a pumpkin last year. I am trying to dress him in the costumes of my choice because I know before I know it, he will be spiderman or some other super hero. Blah...
We tried on his costume this weekend and he looked adorable...he's not to fond of the hat but he'll have to get over it because it looks cute on his head!

When you ask Trigger, "Where are your muscles?" This is what he does...and tenses up his whole's really cute!

As I said yesterday, we finally finished decorating for fall this weekend. This is our front door.

Trigger is showing his muscles again.

We actually left our house on time today...but still were a little late getting to our class because the road we usually take to get to church was closed because of the we had to take a longer route! Anyway, we had some time to take a few pictures before we left for church~!

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Pumpkin Patch

We took Trigger to the pumpkin patch at the Townsend House last Saturday. This is not going to be THE pumpkin patch photo session because Trigger still had a black eye and a scrape on his face sooooo I didn't dress him in one of his smocked fall outfits. However, this outfit looked precious on him with his brown (deck style) shoes! Anyway, we took a million shots and a few were really they are~!

Look at that precious dimple!

Everyone thinks Trigger looks just like Matt...and he does if you look at him straight on...but to me, if you look at him from the side, it is ALL SETH! I'm going to have to get a baby picture of Seth and upload it for yall to compare.

And...Trigger started to melt down towards the end...couldn't handle it any longer!

Yawn...this is BORING!

It's like he saying (with his eyes), "I'm sick of this place and it's past lunchtime, GIVE ME MY PACI...NOW".

Trigger loves for Matt to throw him in the air...

Trigger and Mommy

This is what Trigger looks like when someone tries to take him and he doesn't want to go...he yanks his arm in and gives the person a look...we've got to work on being a little more friendly!!!!

We will go back soon...hopefully...and take some pictures without the black eye!
I am going to try to post pictures of our fall decorations tomorrow and a few of our little SCARECROW...We worked on decorating our front door today and I'm pleased with how it turned out!
Have a great weekend!!!! I'm about to crash!