Monday, June 23, 2008

30 weeks!

Just a quick update! We are doing great. We went to see Dr. Groome last monday and he said everything looked good so far. They told us that Trigger weighs 2 pounds 7 ounces and had a heartbeat of 150. I am sure he is around 3 pounds by now! Dr. Groome is making me do a protein test to make sure there aren't any problems since I have had high blood pressure for such a long time. I will do that on Wednesday. This Thursday I will go for a check up with Dr. Harper.
I really expected to be on bedrest by this point if we hadn't already delivered. We are very thankful that my body has lasted this long. My blood pressure has been good so hopefully it will stay down and we won't have any problems. Who knows...I may make it to 40 weeks!

A few random things...

I have a couple of random pictures for you. The first picture is of the three paintings that are going in Trigger's Room. They were created by three up and coming artists: Two of my neices (Chelsea and Abby) and my nephew (Corbin). Didn't they do an AWESOME job. I was very impressed. Chelsea is 8, Corbin is 5 (6 in August), and Abby is 4! We are going to hang them in the baby's room. I will post a picture of them on the wall when we get around to hanging them.

This second picture is of a COPPERHEAD. Matt, Mr. Jerry (Matt's Dad), and Gabe did some work in our yard a couple of weeks ago and they came across this snake. I do NOT like snakes so I am glad they killed it. I hope all the other snakes around take that as a warning. The Woodard's do NOT let snakes live!!!!!

Baby Shower Pictures

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Glucose Test

Today I had to go have the glucose test done. They took my blood. Then, the lab made me drink this AWFUL liquid that tasted like flat coke with WAY too much syrup. It was not good!!! Afterwards, I had to wait an hour and they took my blood again. Now...we will just have to wait until tomorrow to find out the results. I sure hope it comes back negative because if it's positive, you have to have the three hour test done. I am not sure I could make it through three hours of drinking nasty liquid and alot of blood drawing!
I also had a checkup with Dr. Harper. He said so far I have had a pretty PERFECT pregnancy...WOW. Isn't it going to be humorous (AND WONDERFUL) if I make it through this pregnancy without any problems?? My blood pressure was great today and he said everything looks great!
We will go for our checkup with Dr. Groome at LSUS on Monday. We will have another ultrasound to check the placenta and growth of the baby. I can't wait to see Trigger on the screen again. I love having ultrasounds!!!
That's all for now...just wanted to keep everyone up to date especially since it's summer and I don't see as many people.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

The rest of the furniture!

We finally got the rest of our furniture. I have attached a picture of our crib with the bedding, dresser, and chair and ottoman. I think I have already posted a picture of the chair.

This is our pattern for the car seat and stroller that Matt's parents gave to us. Of course I picked out a pattern that was black and RED!!!!!!!! The doll that is in the car seat is MATT'S cabbage patch kids DOLL!!!

More Baby Items...

We have gotten so many great gifts that I can't possibly post them all but I wanted to show off a few of them!
This first gift is our diaper bag. Isn't it BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!! I absolutely love it! Seth and Vanna gave it to us at our last shower!

This outfit was the very first outfit that I picked out after finding out that we were having a boy. I LOVE it. They don't come any smaller than 6 months so Liz bought the 12 month one for Trigger to wear next summer! He sure is going to be cute.

Liz (and Daddy) also bought these pajamas. They are Astros pjs. I think they are just adorable because they look like big boy pajamas.
I had a little girl in my class this year named Anna Kate. She is just adorable!! She told her mom that Prince Woodard had to have a castle! So they purchased this great castle for us!
Karen and Will have been so kind to us. They say that they are finished with all their baby stuff so they have been giving us items they no longer use like a swing, boppy pillow, maternity clothes, etc. Karen ordered us the cover and had it monogrammed. Isn't cute?!

This is another diaper bag. We have been told that it is nice to have more than one diaper bag especially one that is smaller for church. Isn't this diaper bag cute. Of course it is blue and red.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

My Birthday

My birthday was Monday! I am getting OLD!!! We celebrated with my family on Saturday night and Matt's family on Tuesday night. Matt and I went to supper on Monday night to celebrate. I love how I managed to stretch out the celebration!!!

Mt. Mariah Baby Shower

I had a baby shower at Mt. Mariah Methodist in Arcadia. Matt's family goes to Mt. Mariah. I had a great time and we got alot of great gifts. I have added some pictures from the shower.
These are all the presents that I got to open!!!
This is a picture of the quilt that Mrs. Marcia (Matt's mom) made for Trigger.
The children are had a great time. Corbin wanted to stay at the shower because he wanted to help open all the presents. He was a big help!!! I think Corbin might be the most excited person about Trigger. He is ready for this baby to be born!!
Mrs. Marcia also gave us our carseat/stroller. I love it! I post a picture of the actual carseat in another post. Jennifer, Clay, and family gave us our pack and play which is adorable. Matt put it together on Sunday night and then took it back apart since we still have a few months!

I am posting a picture of the food table. Yummy! Check out the center piece. I don't know if you can see it good BUT Mrs. Marcia put practical items in a basket. It was very cute. The most precious thing in the basket was the cabbage patch kids doll. It was MATT's from when he was little. YES...MATT'S!!! Isn't that funny.