Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Personalized Items

Okay...I am going to post a few pictures of personalized items that we got at the shower.
First, this is a picture of all the gifts opened and in Trigger's room.
This is a picture of Trigger's FIRST backpack. I thought it was quite appropriate for Chasten (Miss Dance) to give him his first backpack. Isn't it cute?!?!
Amanda (Mrs. Barham) made and monogrammed the wipes case. AND, I don't know if you can tell or not but the fabric on the blanket and burp clothes is Roy Rogers fabric. It has Trigger's name on it. I had a student last year that had a nap mat cover made out of "Trigger" fabric and I loved it. His grandmother told Amanda how much I loved the, now I have a great blanket and burp cloths made out of it!!!

Cedar Creek Baby Shower

Like I said on the previous post we had our first baby shower on Tuesday. It was hosted by the Elementary. It was so much fun and we got some wonderful gifts.
I am going to post some pictures from the shower. The diaper cake was PRECIOUS and was made by Mrs. Williams. I was really surprised so many people came. It such a busy time of year so I was very thankful that everyone took the time to come by the shower!
Of course Liz, Mrs. Marcia, and Jennifer, and Anna Grace. AND...Abby got to come with Liz. She was suppose to help me open presents. However, I think she was more interested in the petit fours. They were yummy!!

Trigger's Room

I thought I would add a few pictures of some of the furniture and decorations in Trigger's Room! Of course we still don't have the crib and dresser, but the should be coming soon.
This is a picture of the chair and ottoman. It is very comfortable which is good since I will be sitting in it often.
This is the armoire. It is great because it will hold alot of stuff and it can also hold a tv later. We tried to get furniture that could be used for a long time.
We bought the next two items at Ladies in Waiting in Shreveport. It is a GREAT store. Matt quickly pointed out that "ball game" is actually suppose to be one word. Oh well!
The last picture is of Matthew putting together the high chair. I had our first baby shower on Tuesday. I am about to post about that in a minute. The faculty group gift was a high chair and a monitor.

Dr. Groome

We went to Shreveport on Monday afternoon to see Dr. Groome at LSU. He is over the maternal/fetal medicine at LSU. Dr. Harper had called us last week to let us know that there were some issues raised by the radiologist after our last ultrasound. Dr. Harper said the report said there were indications that I had blood clots in the placenta and that the baby wasn't moving very much. Needless to say, we were quite worried. Dr. Harper had our appointment with Dr. Groome moved from June 9th to this past Monday. Sooo...we drove over to Shreveport and met with Dr. Groome. We had been told to prepare ourselves for a different atmosphere at LSU. It was different, but everyone was VERY friendly and helpful. When we got into the patient room. There was a radiologist tech that started the ultrasound (measuring the baby) and a nurse was asking me questions and checking blood pressure. The measured and monitored the baby for 30 minutes. Then, Dr. Groome came in and looked finished the ultrasound which took another 30 minutes. He said that the placenta looked GREAT....whew...we were relieved!!! and very thankful. Dr. Groome did send us to have the baby's heart rate monitored for 30 minutes since one of the complaints was low fetal movement. Dr. Groom said the baby wouldn't stop moving for him, but just to be safe we needed to monitor. The heart rate (when I wasn't laughing at Matt....I hate that inappropriate laughter!!!!!) was perfect. AND, Trigger would NOT stop kicking the fetal monitor that was strapped to my belly. It was was as if he was saying..."I'll show think I don't move...HA...I'll kick your monitor!" It might have had something to do with the Coke that I drank before the ultrasound. Trigger likes Coke! Anyway, we will go back to see Dr. Groome in four weeks for another placenta (blood clot) check. Thank you to all of you who were praying for us!

Friday, May 16, 2008

Furniture, Ultrasounds, and More

I have had several people ask whether or not we have Trigger's nursery ready. The answer is NO!!!! I have failed myself...My goal was to get the nursery ready before our last day of school BUT that is not going to happen. I have been so bogged down with end of the year school stuff that I haven't thought of anything else. As far as our furniture, we have gotten our armoire and chair and ottoman in. They are in the nursery and look great! However, the owner of the store keeps telling us our crib will be in in a few days. I am a VERY trusting person and very gullible. I have heard that this store has had some bad reviews especially with it taking forever to get their furniture. BUT, I am choosing to believe him when he tells me we should have it by the end of next week! We shall see! Oh...and our dresser (he says) are in the store. He is going to wait to deliver it with the crib!
I am sorry that I haven't posted about our ultrasound. We had an ultrasound about 10 days ago. He is still a boy! The ultrasound lady was VERY nice...she had never (in 16 years) heard of Antiphospholipid Syndrome so I tried to explain it to her. She took some pictures for us but Trigger (once again) did not cooperate. He must take after his daddy...hahaha!!!! He is facing the back of me and so it was hard to get a picture of his face.
Well...I have 7 days of school left. I am not counting today because I am not at school today. I took off because my best friend growing up (since we were 2) is getting married this weekend! I am a bridesmaid so we have a luncheon today. It's going to be a busy weekend! I am excited about being out for the summer because that means I will be finished with school scrapbooks that we make for each child and I will be closer to meeting Trigger. I am going to miss these children though. Each year it is amazing to me to see how attached I become to my children. After spending the whole year with them, I know there little personalities and can read their expressions AND can identify their voice and know what's going on without's truly like being their second mom! But, I will have a whole new bunch next year and will get to know and love them too!
I do have two prayer requests. ONE....that I will stop stressing about the beginning of the school year for next year. I am not sure when I will deliver but at the most I will miss 6 weeks of school. Those of you that are teachers know that those first weeks are when you establish your routine and expectations for the year. They can make or break your entire year!!! SO...I am just a little stressed about turning my class over. I know Mrs. Lewis will do great. I guess I am just a little anal about my classroom! and I have a lot to get ready for Mrs. Lewis!
SECOND...Matt and I are going to see Dr. Groome on Monday afternoon. He is a maternal/fetal medicine specialists. Dr. Harper wants us to go see him for a consultation. Our pregnancy is high risk and we were told in the beginning to expect bedrest and maybe hospitalization and very early delivery. Everything has gone smoothly so far so I have kindof been thinking, "WOW...maybe this is going to be okay!" But, I haven't made it to the last trimester and we still have no clue what will happen then. So...We have a few things that Dr. Groome is going to look at and we need to meet him in case we have to deliver really early. So just pray that we get our questions answered and that he really pays attention to all the details of my case! I bet your tired of reading...I am tired of typing! That's all for now!

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Just a Quick Update!

Things have been going pretty smoothly! Matt and I took off work on Thursday and Friday of this last week and it was so NICE!!! We went to Shreveport one day to look around at baby stores and get a few presents for friends/family. It was so fun and relaxing to spend the entire day with Matt. He was a real trooper! The other day we completely cleaned out the baby's closet and the other extra closet. They had so much junk piled in them. It was rather overwhelming but it is done now. The baby's room is clean and ready for furniture. It will be delivered on Wednesday, and I can't wait to get it all in the room and see it set up.
Wednesday is also the day that we have another ultrasound. Maybe this time our 3D/4D image will look better since we are 23 weeks (they prefer you to be at least 22 weeks). However, that means that little Trigger is going to have to cooperate. The last ultrasound pictures had his arms in front of his face the entire time! If he is trying to avoid pictures, he has a long life in front of him with me as his mommy because I love taking pictures!!!!
Thursday is our doctor's appointment. It's just our checkup! By the way, Trigger has been VERY active lately especially in the evenings. AND....Matt felt him kicking for the first time on Thursday, May 1st. He has been trying to feel him for a couple of weeks. I guess his little kicks are getting harder!!! Well...I guess that is all for now. I will try to post some pictures of the furniture on Wednesday and some ultrasound pictures.