After Josiah's party, we headed to our fall festival at our church. Trigger was very, very tired and had a meltdown or two so we didn't stay long.

Trigger's friend from church (Jan and Landon Tooke's baby) were dressed just alike and they looked so cute...I think they will make great friends one day!

Me and my baby

Trigger got to see Addison (Laura Terzia Bankston's baby). I'm pretty sure she has marked him off the list of potential husbands because he had a major meltdown right in front of her...maybe he was just trying to get her attention but he's got to learn how to charm the ladies the RIGHT way! haha!

It's almost impossible to get them all looking and smiling at the camera at the same time...this is Sydney, Trigger, and Abby.

Trigger with Izzy and Poppy

Our little family