Friday, February 13, 2009

Quick Update

I feel horible because since I joined facebook, I have not been updating my blog...I knew joining facebook would be a BAD thing! Anyway, I just wanted to post a quick update on Trigger. He is doing great. At his 6 month checkup, he weighed 16lbs 1oz (25th percentile)...I may have already posted this info...sorry!
Anyway, he is SITTING UP now...unassisted. He had been sitting up since beginning of January but was a little TOO interested in his feet to sit up straight. Now, he can sit up for a long time. He occasionally falls over when he spots something out of reach that he thinks he MUST have. Trigger cracks us up. He is definitely a charmer. When we are in public, he smiles at everyone and acts like an ANGEL (of course). He has gotten back onto a better routine of sleeping. He does still wake up around 4am but can usually be put back to sleep with his paci! We have 6 month pictures scheduled in a few days. I'm hoping he will cooperate!
Matt has begun busy season. :( So far, things haven't been too bad. He is getting home later and working Saturdays but that's nothing compared to what's ahead. I am dreading the almost all nighters. Matt is a TREMENDOUS help with Trigger and the house so it's difficult when he's gone! School is going good for me. I have been extremely tired and I feel overwhelmed most of the time. I also have major guilt issues since I spend so much time on school stuff and then the time I'm not doing school work, I'm cleaning or making bottles or doing laundry...I am DEFINITELY enjoy my winter break. It is a much needed break for me!!!! I love spending all day with Trigger!!!!
Okay...I really need to get in bed. I can barely keep my eyes open...GONE are the days of late nights (actually they have been gone for a long time...). Have a great weekend!

Sunday, February 1, 2009