Monday, December 29, 2008

a few pictures...

These are few of our firsts...
First brushing of Trigger's first teeth
First time to wear jeans
First time to sit in his high chair (to watch Mommy and Daddy eat supper)
and the other two pictures were just cute pictures!

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Izzy's Birthday


We have exciting news...after many, many long crying evenings/nights, Trigger has his FIRST TOOTH!!!! It was very exciting to wake up to see that tooth!!!

Misc. Pictures


We had a great Thanksgiving. We traveled to Matt's parents, my parents, and my grandparents! At my grandparents, there were 3 new great grandsons: Trigger (4 months) , Brannon (2 months), and Josiah (3 weeks).
Thanksgiving break sure was nice but I had something planned for each day so it was NOT restful.